Across the country major cities are literally being overrun with left wing mobs vandalizing people’s property, threatening violence, and ripping down monuments to American history.
At his rally tonight in Tulsa, President Trump didn’t miss his chance to make the choice clear this election day.
From our friends at Fox News:
He also cited “radicals” that targeted statues of Thomas Jefferson and Christopher Columbus in recent days and said that a law should be passed that burning the American flag results in a year in jail. While touting his chances in November, Trump repeatedly used examples of protesters tearing down monuments and the Seattle CHOP zone as a foil for his “law and order” theme — while insisting Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, would always “cave” to such “radical” parts of his party.
“Do you want to bow before the left-wing mob or do you want to stand up tall and proud as Americans?” he asked at one point.
And there was no question to his answer:
In the last few weeks Minneapolis has burned, police have been attacked in New York City, and an imcompetent mayor has signed part of her city over to violent activists in Seattle.
Now monuments and statues of important historical figures and events are being targeted for destruction.
While there may be room for debate about Confederate statues, it is hard to imagine a world where Americans are ripping down tributes to our greatest founding fathers.
From CNN on Friday:
A crowd of protesters gathered around a statue of George Washington in Portland, Oregon, on Thursday night and lit a fire on its head before pulling it to the ground.
Photos and video from the scene showed that the statue was spray painted with "Genocidal Colonist," "You're on native lands," "BLM" and "Big Floyd" -- presumably referring to George Floyd, who died last month at the hands of Minneapolis police.
It was also tagged with 1619, which is a reference to the year the first slaves were brought to what is now the United States.
Portland Police said the group ran off and there have been no arrests.
Merely toppling the statue of our first President wasn't nearly enough for the vandals.
It was then draped with an American flag and set on fire again:
But the father of our country wasn't the only target of WOKE criminals.
According to CBS, the man who wrote our Declaration of Independence is no longer welcome either:
The Jefferson statue was the third to be taken down this weekend in Oregon alone: Two at the University of Oregon – the Pioneer Man and the Pioneer Mother – were taken down Saturday evening.
Earlier Sunday evening, the steps of Jefferson High School were the sight of a Black Lives Matter rally led by Rose City Justice.
Organizers spoke in front of the Jefferson statue—its base spray-painted with the phrase "Slave Owner."
Some time after the march moved on to a local park, the statue was toppled.
The lines are now being drawn for Election 2020.
Politics in America is no longer about impassioned, but cordial debates about left and right.
Big government or limited interference in the lives of Americans.
The radical left is now waging a cultural war with the rest of the country.
"These are Native Lands."
But don't worry, they won't be moving off them either.
The WOKE left wants to create a post-history America.
And they are just getting started.
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