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Breaking: Donald Trump Announces US Will Withdraw from WHO


Would any other President have taken such decisive action and removed the US from the World Health Organization (WHO)?

It’s certainly hard to imagine.

At this point, it’s becoming clearer that the WHO, with an ex-communist director, did little to stop the pandemic early on and perhaps even made it worse.

The organization condemned President Trump’s swift decision to close the US to Chinese travelers.

They twiddled their thumbs, while thousands died, and refused to term COVID a “pandemic.”

All because the WHO director, who was appointed with China’s backing, wanted to protect the Chinese government from scrutiny.

CNN reports the latest details on Trump’s decision to remove the US from the WHO:

President Donald Trump announced on Friday that the United States will terminate its relationship with the World Health Organization, a move he has threatened throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

“Because they have failed to make the requested and greatly needed reforms, we will be today terminating our relationship with the World Health Organization and redirecting those funds to other worldwide and deserving, urgent global public health needs,” Trump said.

The President said that the “world needs answers from China on the virus. We must have transparency.”

At the same event on Friday, Trump launched a blistering attack on China, including a slew of retaliatory measures that will plunge US-China relations deeper into crisis.

Earlier in his remarks, Trump said that China had not properly reported information it had about the coronavirus to the World Health Organization and said China had pressured the WHO to “mislead the world.”

“Chinese officials ignored their reporting obligations to the World Health Organization and pressured the World Health Organization to mislead the world when the virus was first discovered by Chinese authorities,” Trump said. “Countless lives have been taken and profound economic hardship has been inflicted all around the globe.”

The President had previously announced a temporary halt of funding to the WHO and sent a letter to the agency earlier in May saying that the US would permanently pull funding if the WHO did not “commit to major substantive improvements in the next 30 days.”

In that letter, Trump included a false description of when information about the virus was published in The Lancet, prompting the prestigious medical journal to publicly dispute his claims.

Trump’s decision to permanently terminate the US relationship with the WHO follows a years-long pattern of skepticism of world organizations, with the President claiming in nearly every circumstance that the US was being taken advantage of.

The President has questioned US funding to the United Nations and the Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization, withdrawn from the Paris climate accords and repeatedly criticized the World Trade Organization.

He’s also blamed China for taking advantage of the US, pointing the finger at the nation for taking US jobs and, now, failing to stop the spread of coronavirus into the US.

Meanwhile, Trump has mostly given himself and his administration rave reviews for its handling of the pandemic, despite Covid-19 testing fumbles and a national stockpile short on supplies when they were needed most.

The WHO has been criticized for relying on official Chinese government figures relating to the virus, numbers which many officials doubt are accurate. It also received criticism for a January 14 tweet noting that preliminary investigation by Chinese authorities had found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus.

So not only did the WHO condemn closing borders to prevent transmission, they even proclaimed there was “no evidence” that human-to-human transmission of the disease could occur.

Even when evidence from China overwhelmingly showed that not to be the case.

Check out the latest Tweet’s on Trump’s decision:

Why should we be providing billions or even millions of dollars to an organization that will only serve to do China’s bidding and couldn’t care less if Americans die?

The Hill has more details on the WHO’s involvement with China:

Looking back on all the pain, frustration, and hardship of the last several months, there’s one thing that sticks out to me: it didn’t have to be this bad. We are more than capable of containing a virus if we catch it early. In fact, world leaders built an infrastructure for that exact situation over 70 years ago. Yet, months after coronavirus cases appeared in China, the World Health Organization (WHO) was still promoting lies and downplaying the severity of the virus to protect the Communist Party of China (CCP).

While the WHO was protecting China, Chinese leaders were busy jailing the doctors and whistleblowers who tried to sound the alarm for the rest of the world. We lost precious time.

In February, before the arrival of COVID-19 halted the global economy, unemployment was at an all-time low and the Dow was at an all-time high. In less than two months, years of progress were wiped out as a direct result of the negligence and corruption of a communist dictatorship halfway around the world.

Make no mistake, China is a communist dictatorship. Since he rose to power in 2012, Xi Jinping has embraced mass surveillance policies, imprisoned millions of ethnic minorities in re-education camps, and essentially declared himself dictator for life in 2018.

After eight years of the Obama administration’s apathetic policies, treating China as a non-adversarial peer, China achieved rapid improvement to their international position and gained massive amounts of power.

China isn’t just an adversary – they are a serious threat and should be treated as such.

The United States is strong, we will not be beaten by the likes of China. Oppression doesn’t inspire innovation or loyalty. And yet, the Chinese do have an advantage – they cheat. You may have heard that China attempted to hack coronavirus vaccine research, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. It’s estimated that China steals up to $600 billion in American intellectual property a year. They’re also holding over $1 trillion in American treasuries hostage, money that could flood the market and take over our economy in the blink of an eye.

When voters go to the polls in November, hopefully they’ll keep in mind that President Trump wakes up every day fighting for Americans, not globalist organizations that would like to see our country dismantled.

Watch Trump’s entire announcement below:


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