Almost no other governor in the county has received as much press recently as Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan.
Earlier this month, the Democrat governor enacted what some are calling the strictest quarantine measures in the country. As part of her orders, residents were barred from traveling between residences, including vacation homes.
Petitions calling for the governor’s recall quickly popped up and collected tens of thousands of signatures. Now, the governor faces lawsuits from residents over her overreaching policies.
Fox News original reported on the pending lawsuits:
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer continues to face backlash over her executive orders amid the coronavirus.
“It’s taking a sledge hammer to an ant,” said attorney David Helm. “We believe it is over-broad and over-reaching. There is a way to do it appropriately without infringing on Constitutional rights like the governor has.”
Attorney David Helm is representing four Michigan residents – three from Oakland County and one from Roscommon, who filed a federal lawsuit against Gov. Whitmer – and her executive order.
They argue ordering businesses to shut down, banning travel to private homes and freedom to associate with one another, violates our First and Fifth Amendment rights.
“Our position is, ordering businesses to shut down, preventing residents and citizens from accessing their second homes, within the state is essentially a taking and they need to be compensated for it.
“We are not arguing for political dissidence or any sort of protest. What we are saying, is that people have the right to associate with their friends and family. And that is being unjustly infringed.”
Although the pandemic has claimed the lives of thousands people in our state, Helm says they are in favor of most of the restrictions in the governor’s original order that follows Centers for Disease Control guidelines. The lawsuit claims the extended order conflicts with state and federal constitutions.
“We have a hard time reconciling how you can go to the store, but you can’t go out on your fishing boat,” Helm said. “Or you can go to employer who is essential but a one-man tree trimming operation is not.”The governor’s deputy press secretary told FOX 2 they are not commenting on pending litigation. During Monday’s press conference, Governor Whitmer defended her stay at home order saying she understood the financial struggle and need to be with family and friends, but it’s the only way to contain the virus in one of the hardest hit states.
The governor has faced an increasing amount of criticism, especially on Twitter. Check out some of the latest tweets:
Thousands of protesters flocked to the state capital yesterday to protest the governor's actions.
The National Review details the protest:
Thousands of protestors, organized by the Michigan Conservative Coalition under the hashtag #OperationGridlock, took to the capitol in Lansing on Wednesday to voice their disapproval of Whitmer’s rules, which include the closing of businesses selling hardware supplies and gardening seeds, and the banning of travel “between residences.” While Whitmer said she respected the “right” of the “small segment of the state” to protest, she warned they could be furthering the lockdowns by refusing to social distance.
“We have to take serious measures, and people are getting a little stir-crazy from being at home, being worried about work, worried about paying the bills, worried about their businesses, and a small segment of the state is protesting, and that’s their right,” she stated. “The sad part is, though, that the more likely they’re out and about, the more likely they are to spread COVID-19 and the more likely we’re going to have to spread this posture for a longer period of time.”
In a Wednesday interview with MSNBC’s Joy Reid, Whitmer went further, saying the protest was “essentially a political rally.”
“This small group that came together without masks on, passing out candy with bare hands to children, who were congregating together, brandishing their weapons, having posters of being anti-choice — this was a political rally. It was a political rally that is going to endanger people’s lives because this is precisely how COVID-19 spreads,” she stated.
It's been interesting to see how patronizing the governor has been towards those she is supposed to represent. Whitmer appeared on the Today show and actually claimed her extreme measures didn't really matter because the state was experiencing snowfall.
Check out her appearance below:
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