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President Trump: Harry and Meghan Will NOT Get Free Secret Service Protection In USA


Rumors have been floating online that Harry and Meghan (you know, THAT Harry and Meghan) formerly the Prince or Duke or whatever the heck he is, are coming to the USA and will be wanting Secret Service protection.

Yet, they don’t necessarily qualify now that they’ve revoked their official royal status.

Take a look: reported:

Meghan and Harry may have no choice but to speak with President Trump to ask if they can have “diplomatic protection” in the US according to the Mail Online. The POTUS now holds the power to decide whether to grant the Sussexes security agents for their new Hollywood lifestyle.

As of the 31 of March, Meghan and Harry will no longer be classed as 'international protected' as the pair complete their step down as senior royals.

If the pair had remained part of the royal family, they would have been entitled to secret service agents that are allowed to carry weapons.

However, as Harry and Meghan will be quitting the firm, the lines are blurry as to whether they are permitted that privilege any longer.

A source told the Mail: “It will be down to Harry or his Met Police protection officers to ask for help.

“There is a reciprocal agreement between the US that allows protection officers to carry their weapons. But Harry is no longer a serving royal and that is why his protection in Canada from the Mounties was withdrawn.

CBS had previously reported on the aid they sought while in Canada:

Canada will no longer provide Prince Harry and Meghan Markle with security while they live in their adopted country, the Canadian government said Thursday.

The decision follows a January announcement that they will no longer be working members of the royal family, and will therefore give up their royal titles. Harry and Meghan said they would begin splitting their time between the United Kingdom and North America. 

"This geographic balance will enable us to raise our son with an appreciation for the royal tradition into which he was born, while also providing our family with the space to focus on the next chapter, including the launch of our new charitable entity," they said in a statement. 

The couple has spent much of this year in Victoria, Canada, the BBC reports

The Canadian Office of the Minister of Public Safety said that the couple's decision to live in Canada on a "part-time basis" presented their government with a "unique and unprecedented set of circumstances."

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Canada's national police force, has been providing assistance to the Metropolitan Police, the United Kingdom police force that helps protect the royals, while the couple have been in Canada. That assistance will soon come to an end. 

"As the Duke and Duchess are currently recognized as Internationally Protected Persons, Canada has an obligation to provide security assistance on an as needed basis. At the request of the Metropolitan Police, the RCMP has been providing assistance to the Met since the arrival of the Duke and Duchess to Canada intermittently since November 2019," Canada's Office of the Minister of Public Safety said in a statement Thursday. 

Well it looks like President Trump just put the whole thing to bed by Tweeting they will NOT be getting any Free protection while in the USA:

Response to President Trump's declaration has been very positive so far:


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