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Science Experts Quietly Admit Trump’s Actions Are Saving Lives During Coronavirus Epidemic


Like everything else, it was only a matter of time before the coronavirus would become politicized. 

Democratic presidential candidates and their friends in the media are claiming that President Trump isn’t doing enough to protect Americans from the coronavirus.

There are even some who claim that our federal government isn’t prepared to handle the spread of coronavirus.

Earlier this week, AOC went as far as to say that Vice President Pence is unqualified to lead the task force in charge of fighting the outbreak.

While Democrats are criticizing the president, scientists comments are being overlooked (if not ignored) by the media.

Trump was right.


His actions are actively saving American lives during the coronavirus epidemic.

See more details below:

It's no secret that Trump is passionate about border security.

As Trump emphasized in his South Carolina rally, "Border security is health security."

In January, the Trump administration placed restrictions on air travel to and from China.

Predictably, the move was criticized.

However, it has now been revealed that the World Health Organization (W.H.O) has admited that the travel restrictions have slowed the spread of the virus by up to 2-3 weeks.

And the impact in America was probably even greater.

The New York Times details how Trump's travel restrictions have saved American lives:

Many public health figures consider shutting a nation’s doors to be an archaic tactic, and nearly impossible in the jet age.

But for Mr. Trump, such a move is natural. He was elected on a Build-the-Wall platform and in 2014, when a few heroic American medical workers got infected fighting Ebola in West Africa, he advocated leaving them there to die. (They were flown back, and survived.)

Also, this virus’s speed and apparent lethality gave the experienced doctors in the White House Coronavirus Task Force reason to be nervous. It is spreading between nations very quickly. And, while data is still sketchy, some measurements indicate that its fatality rate might be close to that of the 1918 Spanish flu.

As a result, they endorsed dropping the portcullis and shutting off air links to China.

They even created quarantine stations on military bases, the equivalent of Venice’s island lazarettos, where, in the time of the doges, the infected awaited their fate outside the city.

This has led to much consternation among other public health experts, who argue that travel restrictions can cause more panic, misery and death than they prevent. Crowds may besiege hospitals, supercharging the infection rate. Closed borders can cut off vital medications like insulin. Factory and shop closings mean lost wages, hardships and possibly recession.

Also, quarantines feed racism and stigma.

Officially, the World Health Organization opposes travel and trade restrictions. It reiterated that even as it declared the epidemic a global emergency on Jan. 30.

But it now admits that they helped. The head of the W.H.O. team that visited China said this week that China “took one of the most ancient strategies and rolled out one of the most ambitious, agile and aggressive disease-containment efforts in history.”

The W.H.O.’s epidemic-modeling teams concluded that travel restrictions had slowed the spread of the virus outside China by two to three weeks.

For the United States, the delay was probably far greater. Air-traffic data shows that flights from China to the United States dropped much more than they did to Europe.

Trump is right again! Border security is also health security!

Watch Trump's comments from CPAC in regards to the coronavirus:

The media and Democratic presidential candidates will never give Trump the credit he deserves for slowing the Coronavirus in the United States.

They will continue to politicize the coronavirus epidemic.

Lies about the epidemic will be turned into political weapons to attack Trump in the hopes that it will help defeat him at the ballot box in November.

PJ Media has more on Trump's successful actions to slow and stop the coronavirus:

Democrats and the media may be trying to pile the bogus attacks on Trump over the United States' response to the coronavirus epidemic, but Trump should be getting credit for acting decisively and taking action that likely saved lives, even though it was a politically unpopular move to make. New York Times science reporter Donald G. McNeil Jr. noted that the Trump administration took "aggressive measures like barring entry to non-Americans who were recently in China and advising Americans not to go to China or South Korea," and that this strategy worked, despite the fact that the World Health Organization officially opposes travel and trade restrictions, and "reiterated that even as it declared the epidemic a global emergency on Jan. 30."

Republican Senator Tom Cotton said on Friday that “The single most consequential and valuable thing done to stop this virus from already spreading throughout the United States was when President Trump decided to shut down travel to China last month." He also acknowledged that “the so-called experts who opposed the decision at the time” eventually admitted that it “bought valuable time to prevent the spread of this virus in the United States.”

View footage of Senator Cotton defending President Trump and calling for travel restrictions to help slow and stop the spread of coronavirus.


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