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Rudy Giuliani Says On Friday He Will Start “Cracking through the…cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office”!


Rudy Giuliani has been teasing for a long time that he has the goods on high-level Democrats.

It looks like he’s done teasing and ready to start DISCLOSING.

He just Tweeted out today (Thursday) that tomorrow is the day of disclosure:

Tweet 1:

Tweet 2:


Here's more, from the NY Post:

Rudy Giuliani, the personal attorney for President Trump, threatened Thursday to go public with information that would expose corruption by 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

“Everything I tried to tell the press last March is now coming out, and more. I will now start to reveal the evidence directly to you, the People,” the former New York mayor tweeted. “The Biden Family Enterprise made millions by selling public office. Then when Joe was Obama’s Point Man, they ALL made millions.”

Giuliani’s claim that he could reveal evidence detrimental to the former vice president follows his offer to testify in Trump’s impeachment trial taking place in the Senate.

“I would love to see a trial. I’d love to be a witness – because I’m a potential witness in the trial – and explain to everyone the corruption that I found in Ukraine, that far out-surpasses any that I’ve ever seen before, involving Joe Biden and a lot of other Democrats,” he said Sunday morning on “The Cats Roundtable” with radio host John Catsimatidis on AM 970.

Giuliani, who is at the center of the impeachment trial for his work on behalf of Trump in Ukraine, has alleged that Biden pressured Ukrainian officials to fire a top prosecutor by withholding millions in guaranteed loans.

He claims that Biden took the action against Viktor Shokin because he was going to investigate Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian company that employed Biden’s son Hunteron its board.

Joe Biden, during a campaign stop in Iowa on Wednesday, defended Hunter, saying “no one has suggested my son did anything wrong.”

“There’s nobody that’s indicated there’s a single solitary thing that he did that was inappropriate, wrong … or anything other than the appearance. It looked bad that he was there,” Biden said, according to the Washington Post. “He acknowledges that he in fact made a mistake going on the board.”

READ MORE:  CBS Publishes List of “Clinton Associates Who Allegedly Died Mysteriously”

Rep. Adam Schiff, who is playing a lead role among House Democrats presenting the case against Trump, said Trump has been trying to pin corruption on the Bidens, noting that the president called for Ukraine and China to launch investigations into them.

Schiff used as one example Trump’s comments from Oct. 3.

“They should investigate the Bidens. Because how does a company that’s newly formed and all these companies, if you look — and by the way, likewise, China should start an investigation into the Bidens. Because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine,” Trump told reporters on the White House’s South Lawn.

Rudy's Tweets:

And from Breitbart:

Sunday on New York AM 970 radio’s “The Cats Roundtable,” President Donald Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani discussed the upcoming Senate impeachment trial.

Giuliani voiced his support for a trial, saying he would “love” to be a witness so he could outline the corruption he found in Ukraine involving former Vice President Joe Biden, a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, and “a lot of other Democrats.”

“I would love to see a trial. I’d love to be a witness — because I’m a potential witness in the trial — and explain to everyone the corruption that I found in Ukraine, that far out-surpasses any I’ve ever seen before, involving Joe Biden and a lot of other Democrats.” Giuliani told host John Catsimatidis. “And it wasn’t just 2016. It was going on for years under Obama. I have those facts, I have those witnesses, I have documents and I have recordings. And I would love to get them out in public because everyone is trying to suppress them to protect Joe Biden.”

He continued, “But I don’t think the American people should be put through a useless trial. You should never have a trial of a non-crime. That’s a desecration of justice. … It should be thrown out as a deterrent for other Congresses doing the same thing.”


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