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Cruz Introduces Senate Resolution Praising Soleimani Strike, Challenging Dems To Oppose


Texas Sen. Ted Cruz just played a genius move to get Dems on record supporting the airstrike mission that killed Iran’s top commander Qaessem Soleimani.

Though many Democrats have seemed to take Iran’s side and condemned Trump for taking down the terrorist, Cruz just announced that he will be introducing a resolution into the Senate praising the Soleimani mission.

In an effort to dare Dems to oppose such a resolution, Cruz’s aide said that the resolution will be “structured and worded the same way as a 2011 resolution that commended the Obama administration for killing Bin Laden, which received unanimous support in the Senate.”

The Bin Laden resolution was universally accepted by the Senate back in 2011 to laud Obama for killing the terrorist, so if any Dems oppose Cruz’s resolution, it will tear wide open their blatant hypocrisy.

Check it out:

Here's what Ted Cruz had to say about why he's introducing the resolution on Twitter:


Fox News has more details on Cruz's Senate resolution praising the Soleimani mission to put Dems on notice:

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, a noted Iran hawk, is circulating a resolution in the Senate that would commend the Trump administration for killing Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani, aides told Fox News on Friday.

An aide said the resolution is “structured and worded the same way as a 2011 resolution that commended the Obama administration for killing Bin Laden, which received unanimous support in the Senate.” Cruz is trying to get Democrats on the record supporting the mission.

It’s an apparent effort by Republicans to try to dare Democrats to oppose virtually the same resolution the Senate adopted to applaud then President Barack Obama in 2011 after the killing of Osama bin Laden.

Al Arabiya also said:

US Republican Senator Ted Cruz plans to present a resolution praising US President Donald Trump’s decision to kill Iranian General Qassem Soleimani in a targeted strike, his aides confirmed to Fox News.


“[The resolution] is structured and worded the same way as a 2011 resolution that commended the Obama administration for killing Bin Laden, which received unanimous support in the Senate,” aides to Senator Cruz told Fox News.


The proposed resolution comes as Cruz, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee member, criticized several Democrats who have opposed the operation that killed Soleimani in US strikes on Friday in Baghdad.


“The end of Qassem Soleimani is welcome and long-overdue justice for the thousands of Americans killed or wounded by his Iranian-controlled forces across the Middle East, and for the hundreds of thousands of Syrians and Iraqi Sunnis ethnically cleansed by his militias,” Cruz wrote on Twitter on Friday.


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