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Private Eye Firm Says Hunter Biden Linked To Several Criminal Probes, Including Fraud Investigation


According to documents filed in Hunter Biden’s paternity lawsuit, the former VP’s son is embroiled in not one, but multiple, criminal probes.

According to the files, Hunter Biden is linked to several investigations related to fraud, money laundering, and a counterfeiting scheme!

Things are not looking up for the Bidens.

Take a look:


The New York Post has more details on the criminal investigations Hunter is allegedly linked to:

Hunter Biden is the subject of multiple criminal investigations related to “fraud, money laundering and a counterfeiting scheme,” it’s claimed in court documents filed Monday in his Arkansas paternity case.

The claims were put forward by a Florida-based private-eye firm, D&A Investigations, in Biden’s ongoing case against alleged baby mama Lunden Alexis Roberts, a former Washington, DC, stripper who went by “Dallas.”

Soon after the claims were filed, a judge struck the allegations down because they were filed by an “intervener,” according to court papers.

Biden filed a motion to strike down the claims, arguing “the notice is filed by a non-party simply to make scandalous allegations in the pending suit to gain some media attention.”

Biden, 49, “is the subject of more than one criminal investigation involving fraud, money laundering and a counterfeiting scheme,” the filing alleges.

One of those purported investigations relates to Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian energy company with which Biden held a lucrative board post while his father, Joe, was vice president — drawing allegations of impropriety from Republicans including President Trump.

The Daily Mail also said the following:

Hunter Biden is reportedly linked to multiple criminal probes and has been quietly keeping a sprawling home in the Hollywood Hills, according to new court documents which he wanted to keep private. 

The papers alleged that the 49-year-old 'is the subject of more than one criminal investigation involving fraud, money laundering and a counterfeiting scheme'. 

The allegations were filed by private-eye firm, D&A Investigations on Monday in relation to Hunter's paternity case involving his baby mama Lunden Roberts. 

They seek to lay bare his finances in an attempt to recoup child support. 

Among Hunter's assets, as claimed by the documents, is a $2.5million home in the Hollywood Hills. 

One of the claims involves Burisma, the Ukrainian oil company that's at the center of President Donald Trump's impeachment trial. Trump came under fire for a phone call with Ukraine's president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, urging him to investigate Hunter's work with Burisma, while withholding some $400million in military aid.

The new allegations accuse Hunter and business associates of establishing 'bank and financial accounts with Morgan Stanley … for Burisma Holdings Limited … for the money laundering scheme'.

D&A claimed that the accounts showed a value of nearly $6.8million between March 2014 and December 2015, according to the Post. 

In addition, the documents allege that Hunter and three associates attempted to con Sioux Native Americans out of $60million through the sale of tribal bonds.

It's unclear what agencies are allegedly investigating Hunter. But shortly after the allegations were filed, a judge struck them down because they were filed by an 'intervener,' according to the Post. 

News of the alleged investigations comes just a day after the financial information for Roberts was released exclusively to

On Sunday, Roberts' financial information from the last five years was obtained by In the documents, the Lancaster & Lancaster Law Firm, which represents Roberts, reveals that the 28-year-old received money from a company owned by Hunter from May 2018 to November 2018. 

'She never received a tax document for these payments,' her attorneys wrote, adding that the undisclosed amount of payments are reflected on her bank records.  

According to the documents, Roberts also worked for Hunter and submitted pay stubs as proof of employment along with a health insurance card that he reportedly provided her.  

Fox News confirmed the report, and said that one of the alleged schemes was reported to have netted $156 million in ill-gotten gains:

Hunter Biden, the 49-year-old son of former Vice President Joe Biden, has been dodging discovery requests in connection with a paternity case in Arkansas, and is "the subject of more than one criminal investigation involving fraud, money laundering and a counterfeiting scheme," a private investigation firm claimed this week in a bizarre court filing.

In addition, the Florida-based D&A Investigations told Fox News that its investigators have found that the intelligence community whistleblower at the center of the Democrats' impeachment effort against President Trump accompanied Joe Biden when he traveled to Ukraine in early 2016 and, by his own admission, pressured the country's government to fire its top prosecutor by threatening to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid.

The whistleblower's attorney, Mark Zaid, did not respond to Fox News' request for comment on D&A's claims, which Fox News has not independently verified. Zaid has previously acknowledged that the whistleblower had "contact" with presidential candidates of both parties, amid reports that he had a "professional working relationship" with one of the Democratic presidential contenders.

On the same day that D&A filed its "Notice of Fraud and Counterfeiting and Production of Evidence," which was first reported by The New York Post and The Daily Mail and obtained by Fox News, Lunden Alexis Roberts -- a woman who claims Hunter Biden got her pregnant -- authored her own motion seeking "primary physical and legal custody" of the child. Roberts also demanded attorneys' fees and a hearing concerning visitation rights.

The court in Independence County, Ark. quickly struck the D&A filing, which was made in a bid to support Roberts' case as an "intervening party." The court said D&A's filing had violated state procedural rules which require that intervening parties raise a claim that shares a "question of law or fact in common" with the existing case.

The firm told Fox News on Tuesday to expect an additional filing soon, and hinted that more incriminating details concerning Hunter Biden's business dealings would soon come to light.

Hunter Biden, in his own motion to strike the firm's claims, told the court the allegations were false and scandalous, and a transparent attempt to garner media attention. D&A, on its website, has openly referred to Democrats' impeachment efforts as a "sham."

D&A is the same firm that worked with the defense team of Casey Anthony, a Florida woman acquitted of murdering her child in a highly publicized trial in 2011. Anthony later accused the private investigator of smearing her for media attention.

The firm's incendiary claims highlighted some unanswered questions that could arise in a possible GOP-led impeachment trial in the Senate. Most notably, after leaving the vice presidency, Joe Biden attended a conference at which he discussed a previously unreported meeting in Ukraine for the first time.

"I said, 'I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars,'" Biden boasted at the conference. "I said, 'You’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in --,' I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said, 'I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.' Well, son of a b--ch. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time."

The prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, was fired in March 2016, and had widely been accused of corruption himself. However, publicly available records show that Joe Biden did not officially travel to Ukraine in 2016. D&A told Fox News it believes Biden did not take Air Force Two for the trip.

In its filing, D&A investigations asserts that Hunter Biden and his business associates "established bank and financial accounts with Morgan Stanley et al," for the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Holdings Limited for a "money laundering scheme," among other ventures.

One alleged scheme "accumulated $156,073,944.24," according to the document.


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