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President Trump Says He’s Sending Nancy Pelosi a Letter To Force a Vote On Impeachment


President Trump just called Nancy Pelosi’s bluff!

And I don’t think she or any of the other Democrats have any idea what to do at this point!

They literally backed themselves into a corner and they have no good options.

They sprang into action based on a phony report that was proved to be a real dud after President Trump released the full transcript.

Now they either back down and dismiss the impeachment, admitting defeat and upsetting their base, or they press on knowing it will be an utter failure, blowing up in their face!

Not good choices, huh?

What would you pick?

Seeing the position they’re in, President Trump just forced her hand.

Here’s what he Tweeted out earlier today, explaining how he cornered Pelosi and caught her with her pants down (wait….my bad, sorry for that visual):

READ MORE:  Here's Why President Trump Calls Him Liddle' Adam Schiff

In an interview, he explained how he will indeed be sending the letter.

Take a look:


Here's more, from Fox News:

The White House will send House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., a letter as early as Friday "daring" her to hold a vote on Democrats' impeachment inquiry into President Trump, Fox News has confirmed.

The letter will say the White House won't comply with the Democrats' investigation because Pelosi hasn't codified the probe with a formal vote on the House floor. Its tone will be consistent with that of the letter House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., sent to the speaker on Thursday, Fox learned.

In his letter, McCarthy called on Pelosi to end the impeachment inquiry until “equitable rules and procedures” are set up.

“Unfortunately, you have given no clear indication as to how your impeachment inquiry will proceed -- including whether key historical precedents or basic standards of due process will be observed,” McCarthy wrote. “In addition, the swiftness and recklessness with which you have proceeded [have] already resulted in committee chairs attempting to limit minority participation in scheduled interviews, calling into question the integrity of such an inquiry.”

McCarthy referred to reports that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., was limiting Republicans' ability to ask questions during Thursday’s testimony by former U.S. envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker, who resigned last week.

And NPR:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi did not rule out a vote by the full chamber on its impeachment inquiry into President Trump — but she restated her belief on Friday that none is required for it to move ahead.

Pelosi, D-Calif., said on a trip to Atlanta that she was unmoved by calls from the White House for a full vote. Trump said earlier in the day that he would send a letter to the speaker, which was expected to demand action by the full House.

"We may decide to do it, but it has nothing to do with the president saying what he's saying," Pelosi told reporters, including Robert Jimison of Georgia Public Broadcasting.

Later on Friday, top House chairmen tasked with guiding the inquiry issued subpoenas to acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney seeking pertinent documents. They pointed to statements Trump made at a press conference earlier this week saying he "always cooperate[s]." 

"The White House has refused to engage with—or even respond to—multiple requests for documents from our Committees on a voluntary basis. After nearly a month of stonewalling, it appears clear that the President has chosen the path of defiance, obstruction, and cover-up," Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif.; Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel, D-N.Y.; and Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., said in a joint statement. 

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Reporters asked Trump earlier in the day at the White House about his willingness to accommodate congressional requests for testimony or documents. 

"The lawyers think they've never seen anything so unfair," Trump said. "They've never seen anything so unjust. I've been president now for almost three years, and I've been going through this for almost three years. It's almost become, like, a part of my day."

Trump has gone back and forth about what he may or may not release from within the administration on the Ukraine affair, and he wasn't clear on Friday about whether he might stop cooperating short of a full House vote. 


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