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Don Jr. Says Adam Schiff Is “Basically The Jussie Smollett Of Congress”


Donald Trump Jr. just hit the nail on the head.

“Adam Schiff is basically the Jussie Smollett of Congress on steroids,” Don Jr. declared, bluntly in an appearance on Hannity.

Apparently referring to Schiff’s completely made-up performance of President Trump’s phone call with Ukraine’s president, that Schiff claimed was “parody” but presented formally in front of Congress to frame Trump like a mafia boss, Trump’s son added,

“I’ve never seen anything so ridiculous!”

Watch the full statement Trump Jr. had to give to Sean Hannity on “Liddle” Adam Schiff here:

Don Jr. also slammed "Schifty" Schiff for being caught in lies on multiple occassions, such as the discrepancy between his original story he gave that his office did  "not spoken directly with the whistleblower" and the recent revelation that the whistleblower did have contact with his office before filing the complaint.


The Epoch Times had the following to say about Don Jr's equation of Adam Schiff to Jussie Smollett:

Donald Trump Jr. brought up “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett when speaking about Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), claiming he is a habitual liar who wasn’t challenged by mainstream news outlets when he read out a parody account of President Donald Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian president.

The president’s eldest son told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that if he read the same parody before Congress, he would be put in jail.

The congressman, he said, is “basically the Jussie Smollett of Congress on steroids.” Smollet was accused of staging a hoax hate crime to further his own career earlier this year. After Chicago prosecutors dropped charges against him, Smollett has maintained that two men yelled slurs at him and wrapped a noose around his neck. However, many people believe he staged the attack.

“If I lied even a little bit in front of those guys like Adam Schiff has lied to the American people, and in front of Congress the other day, they’d throw me in jail for perjury,” Trump Jr. claimed. “Adam Schiff has never been afraid of a microphone. He has never met a camera he didn’t love, and frankly, he has never met a camera he didn’t lie to.”

He also said that if a Republican chairman read a similar account, media outlets would rip them apart for days on end.

“The American people see it—they get it,” he said, adding that Democrats “haven’t done anything in three years. The reality is this: they hate Trump more than they love America.”

Schiff later said that his summary last week of Trump’s comments was “was meant to be, at least part, in parody.”

Newsweek also said:

Donald Trump Jr., the president's eldest son, railed against Democratic congressman Adam Schiff on Wednesday for allegedly lying to the American people about President Donald Trump's conduct in relation to the Ukraine scandal.

Schiff drew Republican ire after he offered an embellished account of Trump's controversial July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a hearing last week. In his statement, the Democrat said the summary transcript of the call "reads like a criminal shakedown" and claimed that Trump asked his foreign counterpart to "make up dirt" on his political opponent former Vice President Joe Biden. Following backlash over his remarks, Schiff later explained that his summary "was meant to be, at least part, in parody."

Despite the clarification, GOP members and impeachment critics quickly moved to accuse Schiff of mischaracterizing Trump's actions. Trump Jr. went a step further during an appearance on Fox News' Hannity on Wednesday by calling the congressman "basically the Jussie Smollett of Congress on steroids."

"If I lied, even a little bit in front of those guys like Adam Schiff has lied to the American people, and in front of Congress the other day, they'd throw me in jail for perjury," Trump Jr. said. "He's done it over and over. He's probably the person that magically leaked my emails and edited them, which was the big CNN bombshell which made it seem like I got the WikiLeaks stuff a week before as opposed to a week after."

Townhall additionally commented:

Donald Trump Jr. went off on House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff Wednesday, comparing the California Democrat to Jussie Smollett.

“Adam Schiff has never been afraid of a microphone. He’s never met a camera he didn’t love. And frankly, he’s never met a camera he didn’t lie to. Adam Schiff is basically the Jussie Smollett of Congress on steroids. I've never seen anything so ridiculous,” Trump Jr. said on Fox News’s “Hannity.”

Last week, during his opening remarks at a House Intelligence hearing with acting Director of National Intelligence, Joseph Maguire, Schiff read a made-up summary of the Ukraine call’s transcript, claiming it was “part parody.”

Schiff also knew about the whistleblower complaint before it was made, according to a New York Times report, meaning he lied when he said “we did not speak directly to the whistleblower.” President Trump even accused him of helping write it, too.


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