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FLASHBACK: Prophet Kim Clement “They Will Shout Impeach! Impeach! But It Will Not Happen!”


So I had this going through my head all day today and I knew I had to search for the video clip.

I finally found it!

It’s a clip of (now deceased) prophet Kim Clement speaking about Donald Trump way back in 2014!

For those of you paying attention, you’ll remember that’s a full year BEFORE Donald Trump even announced he was running for office.

Yet here is a true prophet speaking out, speaking the future as if they are seeing it happen by their very eyes….because they are.

The specific part that has been running through my head is when Kim Clement, speaking of future President Donald Trump, says “They will shout IMPEACH, IMPEACH! …. But this shall not happen.”

Could anything be more accurate than that?  

From five years ago folks!  

Simply stunning.  

That’s the part that jogged my memory, but then I started re-listening to the rest of it and couldn’t stop listening.  

I’ve put my notes below along with several different clips you might enjoy.  

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Let’s start with the first one and the impeachment talk.

Starting at about 9:00 mark of the first clip below:

“They will shout, Impeach!  Impeach!  They say.  But nay.  This new one, my David, that I have set aside for this nation.  They will say Impeach!  Impeach!  But this shall not happen.  Then God says highly embarassing moments when another Snowden arises.    

How do we kill the giant?  How do we kill the giant of debt?  Of socialism?  Of human secularism?  I have placed that man amongst you!  What is your plan for this giant?  And he will take a SIMPLE STONE.  And he will hold it up and they will laugh at him.  But the plan is so brilliant, says the Lord, it could only be given by me!

Watch my sign of rain!  All of the states that have been affected by severe weather have been set up for a shaking of my spirit….but California, I am looking at you!



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