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Beto Believes Americans Will Willingly Give Up Their Guns To The Government


If, by some fraction of a chance, Beto O’Rourke actually becomes president, he will be in for a rude awakening.

Apparently, Beto mistakenly believes that Americans will willingly comply with gun confiscation. 

Being a Texan, who knows where he got this faulty idea?

The Democrat presidential hopeful whose campaign is fueled solely off of his politicizing of mass shootings to center his platform around gun control and taking away Americans’ guns through a mandatory “gun buy-back” program told the crowd at the New Hampshire Democrat Convention,

“I don’t see the law enforcement going door to door. I see Americans complying with the law. I see us working with gun owners, non-gun owners, local, county, state, federal law enforcement to come up with the best possible solution. I have yet to meet an owner of an AR-15 who thinks it’s OK that we have these kind of mass killings in this country.”

Watch the stunning clip displaying Beto’s ignorance of patriots’ defense of their Second Amendment rights here for yourself:

The responses on Twitter to Beto's view of how gun confiscations would go down in America counter his idea tremendously (no shock there!)

Check out these telling reply tweets:


The Washington Examiner has more to say about Beto's pipe dream:

Former Texas Democratic Rep. Beto O’Rourke, a White House  presidential contender, confirmed Saturday at the New Hampshire  Democratic Party Convention that his mandatory firearm buyback plan  would not include law enforcement door knocks. 


“No. I don't see the law enforcement going door to door. I  see Americans complying with the law. I see us working with gun owners,  non-gun owners, local, county, state, federal law enforcement to come up  with the best possible solution. I have yet to meet an owner of an  AR-15 who thinks it's OK that we have these kind of mass killings in  this country,” O’Rourke said when asked by the Washington Examiner about specifics of his plan.

The Epoch Times also chimed in on Beto's mandatory "gun buy-back" program plan:

Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke said that “Americans will comply” with his proposed gun confiscation plan, meaning police officers won’t have to go to houses to seize the guns.

“I don’t see the law enforcement going door to door. I see Americans  complying with the law. I see us working with gun owners, non-gun  owners, local, county, state, federal law enforcement to come up with  the best possible solution,” O’Rourke told told reporters while campaigning in New Hampshire.

Pressed about how he’d enforce the plan if it was put into place  among gun owners who refused to comply, O’Rourke added: “How do you—how  do we enforce any law? There’s a significant reliance on people  complying with the law. You know that a law is not created in a vacuum.”

“You’ll have the input of members of Congress who are going to  reflect their constituents’ interests, and at the end of the day, I  agree to get to a solution that protects your Second Amendment rights  while protecting the lives of everyone in this country,” he added.

The proposal, which would ban millions of guns, has been termed a  buyback plan, but critics have pushed back against the designation,  noting that the government doesn’t sell guns so it couldn’t buy them  back from gun owners.

Campaigning recently in Virginia, O’Rourke was asked how he’d address people concerned their assault rifles would be taken away.

“I want to be clear: That’s exactly what we’re going to do. Americans  who own AR-15s and AK-47s will have to sell their assault weapons. All  of them,” O’Rourke wrote in a statement. His campaign website lists “ban assault weapons” among his plans.

“Beto is calling for a mandatory buyback program for assault weapons  and voluntary buyback for handguns. To create a funding stream for  buybacks, Beto will increase the excise tax on gun manufacturers and  fines imposed on gun traffickers, and will enable ATF to purchase any  banned assault weapons presented to the agency. Individuals who fail to  participate in the mandatory buyback of assault weapons will be fined,”  the site states.


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