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Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Blames Republicans For Violence In The City


Labor Day weekend was another violent one in Democrat-governed “gun-free” Chicago, with at least 25 victims and 7 casualties by shootings.

This disturbing trend raises some serious questions about the inverse relation between bans on guns and gun violence.

After just another casual weekend full of deaths and shootings in Chicago, Ted Cruz took to Twitter to point out the truth about the cause of gun violence that Democrats choose to ignore at the detriment of their cities.

Here's Cruz's tweet:

Mayor of Chicago Lori Lightfoot lased out at Cruz in response in an attempt to turn the tables back on him by blaming pro-gun-rights REPUBLICANS on the violence in the city she is is charge of!

Here's Lightfoot's reply tweets to Cruz:

This is how far Democrats are willing to go to save face and keep their delusions alive.

Unfortunately for them, people see right through it.

Nearly all of the response tweets to Lightfoot point out the problems with her statements.

Some pointed out that gun control laws are there to take guns away from law-abiding citizens, not criminals who don't obey laws anyways:

Others showcased Lightfoot's refusal to take responsibility for Chicago:


The Washington Times has more to say about Mayor Lightfoot's scapegoating of gun violence onto Republicans:

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot lashed out at Texas Sen. Ted Cruz this week — along with the Lone Star state as a whole — for contributing to the city’s gun crimes.


The Democrat was none too thrilled with Mr. Cruz on Monday for pointing out the impotency of Chicago’s gun control efforts, and she let him know it with a direct order: “Keep our name out of your mouth.”


At issue was Mr. Cruz’s assertion on Twitter that “stopping violent criminals— prosecuting & getting them off the street — BEFORE they commit more violent crimes is the most effective way to reduce murder rates.”


“Gun control doesn’t work. Look at Chicago. Disarming law-abiding citizens isn’t the answer,” the Republican tweeted while sharing a story about 25 individuals shot in Chicago during the first half of Labor Day weekend.

The Daily Caller also commented:

Democratic Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot blamed Republicans for gun violence in her city Monday night, telling Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz to “keep our name out of your mouth,” and posting a chart that claimed 60% of guns recovered in Chicago come from out of state.


Lightfoot’s tweets came after a West Texas shooting Saturday killed 7 people and wounded 22 others.


“60% of illegal firearms recovered in Chicago come from outside IL—mostly from states dominated by coward Republicans like you who refuse to enact commonsense gun legislation,” Lightfoot said. “Keep our name out of your mouth.”


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