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Hollywood Actors Demand A Blacklist Of Trump Supporters To Discriminate Against


Will & Grace co-stars Debra Messing and Eric McCormack are now calling for a list to be compiled of Trump supporters to discrimate against.

Following the announcement of a Trump fundraiser in Beverly Hills, McCormack posted on Twitter asking The Hollywood Reporter to report on everyone who shows up at the event “so the rest of us can be clear about who we don’t wanna work with.”

Debra Messing followed up later, echoing McCormack's call for the blacklist.

President Trump didn't keep silent on this one.

Trump responded to Messing, recalling the time she thanked him back when he was on television to call out her hypocrisy!

Take a look at President Trump's awesome response to the call for the blacklist of those who support him here:

Actor Dean Cain also stood up for the president and the event:


Here's information about the fundraiser for President Trump in Beverly Hills that triggered Messing and McCormack via The Hollywood Reporter:

Now comes word that Trump has scheduled a swing through California as part of his re-election efforts with stops in San Francisco and Beverly Hills, the latter of which will mark his first appearance in town after his controversial Hollywood remarks. The 90210 event, scheduled for Sept. 17, also happens to fall during Emmy week when the city will be abuzz with various events celebrating the TV business, something Trump frequently comments on. 

The evening event is hosted by Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, RNC co-chairman Tommy Hicks Jr., campaign manager Brad Parscale and Trump Victory finance chairman Todd Ricketts. It's a pricey event, too, with tickets starting at $1,000 and going to $100,000 per couple (for a photo opportunity and VIP reception). No address has been given for the event. 

According to Politico, Trump has a luncheon planned for San Francisco earlier in the day, and then on Sept. 18, he'll head further south to San Diego for another campaign stop. The Beverly Hills outing will mark Trump's second fundraiser in the area in 2019. He was hosted at an event in April when close to 200 people turned out. 

The Washington Examiner has more to say about the called-for blacklist and Trump's response:

Will & Grace star Debra Messing on Friday demanded a list of attendees at an upcoming fundraiser for President Trump in Beverly Hills be revealed "because the public has a right to know."


The Hollywood Reporter disclosed Trump will attend the fundraiser on Sept. 17 during a trip to California, where he will also visit the San Francisco Bay Area and San Diego. The Primetime Emmy Awards will be held in Los Angeles the same week.


Messing shared the same sentiment as her Will & Grace co-star Eric McCormack, who requested the Hollywood Reporter should reveal all names of the fundraisers' guests so they can be ostracized.


"Hey, @THR, kindly report on everyone attending this event, so the rest of us can be clear about who we don’t wanna work with. Thx," McCormack wrote.


Hey, @THR, kindly report on everyone attending this event, so the rest of us can be clear about who we don’t wanna work with. Thx.

— Eric McCormack (@EricMcCormack)               August 30, 2019             

Later that night, Messing chimed in on the high-profile event.


"Please print a list of all attendees please. The public has a right to know," Messing said.


Please print a list of all attendees please. The public has a right to know.

— Debra Messing (@DebraMessing)               August 31, 2019             

Trump bashed Messing for her comments in a tweet on Sunday.


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