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Planned Parenthood Ordered By Court To Pay Whistleblower $3 Million In Damages!


Times are tough for Planned Parenthood.

The tide is turning against them while the American people are waking up to the reality that is the horrible, infanticidal practice of abortion and turning away from it.

Just Tuesday, Planned Parenthood was forced to reliniquish millions of dollars in federal funding after the Trump administration put abortion restrictions on the funds.

Now, an Arizona court has ruled in the favor of a former Planned Parenthood director that blew the whistle on health and safety violations going on at the organization’s clinics.

Not only did Mayra Rodriguez – who was also an illegal immigrant during the 17 years she worked at Planned Parenthood – win the lawsuit after alleging unlawful termination for reporting a doctor’s “high complication rights,” but the court ordered Planned Parenthood to pay her $3 million in damages! 


Since her termination, Rodriguez has also spoken out about the organization's hypocrisy regarding what they claim to do.

She says,

“Planned Parenthood publicly states they want to help and stand up for immigrants, that they care about these women, but it’s not true. They shamed me for my immigration status. But here we are, the jury heard the truth.”

Here's a video on the outcome of the lawsuit:

Fox News has more:

An Arizona court awarded a former Planned Parenthood clinic director $3 million in damages for being wrongfully terminated after she reported that the organization, where she worked for 17 years, was endangering the health and safety of its patients.

Mayra Rodriguez sued the controversial organization  – which provides abortions among other services – in October 2017, alleging she got terminated after repeatedly reporting the "high complication rates" of one doctor.

She accused the doctor of falsification of affidavits and patient records, performing incomplete abortions and failure to report a minor who had an adult partner.

Last Friday, a jury unanimously awarded Rodriguez $3 million in damages after a two-week trial.

Rodriguez, who was an illegal immigrant during her employment at Planned Parenthood, said the company tried to use her immigration status against her after the termination.

Arizona Central added:

A Maricopa County jury awarded a former Planned Parenthood Arizona employee $3 million after she claimed she was wrongfully terminated when she alerted supervisors to  unsafe medical practices.

Mayra Rodriguez in her lawsuit alleged she was fired after being falsely accused of having narcotics inside her desk. She said the allegation came after she made a series of complaints, including that one doctor's abortion patients experienced an unusual number of complications.

Rodriguez's attorney, Tim Casey, told The Arizona Republic that the jury found Rodriguez was doing her job by reporting her concerns. 

"It vindicated what she found and it ought to help our community be safer," Casey said. 

Planned Parenthood Arizona president Bryan Howard said the organization was disappointed in the case's outcome. 

"We believe the evidence was compelling that it was our former employee’s failure to follow organization rules and procedures, which are designed to protect both patients and the public, that led to her dismissal," Howard said in a statement. "The amount of damages awarded runs strongly contrary to the manifest weight of the evidence."

Rodriguez is now involved with And Then There Were None, a nonprofit that helps abortion workers leave the industry, according at news release from the group.

Rodriguez was fired from Planned Parenthood Arizona in 2017 after working for clinics across the state for more than 15 years. At the time, she was an administrator for the  Glendale and northeast Phoenix locations.

About two months before she was fired, Rodriguez made several complaints against doctors and questioned business practices. 

In August 2017, according to her lawsuit, Rodriguez noticed a trend of reports concerning patients who had complications after abortion procedures, and experienced bleeding and cramps. She noticed the patients were treated by the same doctor. 

"Ms. Rodriguez was concerned about the substantial health, welfare, and safety risks to these patients, as well as the substantial risk to the health, safety, and welfare of the inevitable future of PPA patients," the lawsuit stated. 

Catholic News Agency also said:

n Arizona court awarded a former Planned Parenthood clinic director $3 million in damages in a wrongful termination case, on Friday. Mayra Rodriguez claimed she was unfairly dismissed after raising concerns about ethical and legal breaches at abortion facilities run by the group.

In a decision rendered Aug. 16 at Maricopa County Superior Court, Judge Pamela Gates found in favor of Rodriguez, who worked for Planned Parenthood of Arizona for 17 years.

During her time with the country’s largest abortion provider, Rodriguez claims that she witnessed physician malpractice, illegal conduct of a doctor, falsification of affidavits and patient records, and failure to report a minor who had an adult partner. Following her complaints, she was terminated from her position in October of 2017, at which time she filed suit.

“I feel very, very happy, very, very blessed. It has been a very hard two years since we started this process,” said Mayra Rodriguez, former director of three Planned Parenthood clinics in Arizona, in an interview with CNA on Monday.  

After managing a Title X location—where she said no abortions were performed—Rodriguez went on to manage three clinics, including one in Glendale which was one of the biggest abortion facilities in the area when she took it over in November of 2016.

There Rodriguez saw some “eye-opening” concerns, including higher complication rates from one abortionist who was also not properly charting the information of patients.

She also flagged to superiors that a minor with an adult sexual partner was not reported on their first day of contact with Planned Parenthood, as mandated by law and the organization’s own policy, and that affidavits and patient records had been falsified.

However, the organization did not act on her complaints. “And that didn’t happen because the person I was referring to was a powerful person,” Rodriguez said. “My motivation has always been to care for women, to help, that they are being taken care of, that they received the compassionate and high-quality care.”


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