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Catholic Teenage Boy Holds Up Crucifix In Defiance Of Polish LGBT March


When Jakub Baryla heard that there was going to be an LGBT pride march in his town in Poland, he got an idea: to stand up for his Catholic faith by protesting with a crucifix.

At first, he was too scared to act on his idea, but according to Jakub,

“When I saw a wonderful picture of the Virgin Mary with a rainbow halo I decided that I had to come back to my idea.”

The 15-year-old who is a self-proclaimed “Catholic, traditionalist, conservative and patriot” proudly stood in the way of the gay pride marchers while holding a cross over his head.

This prompted the police to respond, who told him to leave.

But, Jakub stood his ground,

“I said I couldn’t do it because the participants of the march are destroying my Catholic faith and profaning the Polish flag by placing a rainbow on it.”

He was then carried off by the police, still holding the crucifix high.

Check out news of this young man’s bravery that is going viral on Twitter:



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