Do you know Mark Taylor, the “Firefighter Trump Prophet”?
Our longtime readers do!
We’ve been covering Mark for a long time, and the amazing thing about that is we’ve seen him be right time and time again!
In fact, so much so that the publisher just updated his book to show each time he prophesied somethign that later came true!
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But that's not really what I want to talk to you about right now.
I want to talk horses.
Race horses!
And specifically, the Kentucky Derby.
I'm not a big horse-racing fan.
I don't make it a point to watch the Kentucky Derby each year, and in fact, I can't tell you the last time I ever watched it.
It just doesn't hold much interest for me.
But I watched it this year because I happened to be in a hotel where they had it on the TV.
So I was watching because there was nothing else to do, and then we had this incredible finish, and do you remember who won?
A horse called "Maximum Security".
No joke.
Now that might not mean anything to you, but I have heard Mark Taylor talk recently on how God is speaking prophetically through race horses.
Longtime readers of WeLoveTrump will remember that Taylor prophesied that God told him a horse would come along and win the Triple Crown again (something previously thought impossible in modern days, because it hadn't been done for decades, since Affirmed and before that Secretariat).
But not only that, but that when it happened it would be a sign that Trump would win the presidency.
Talk about two things against all odds, huh?
Well, you know how that story ended.
American Pharoah (another prophetic name) won in 2015 and Trump won in 2016.
And Taylor was on record with all of this before it happened.
But that wasn't Taylor's only message in the horses.
Recently, a horse named "Barack Obama" was euthenized and Taylor says it was a huge prophetic sign!
And you don't need to be Joseph in Pharoah's Court to interpret the meaning of it!
Here's news of the horse being put out to pasture so to speak, from
Trouble has continued for the FEI World Equestrian Games, which are being held in North Carolina this year.
On Friday, the FEI announced that a horse that had been ridden in the endurance championship had died.
A 20-year-old Anglo-Arab gelding named Barack Obama was euthanized Friday because of kidney problems, the federation said in a statement.
The FEI said the horse, who had competed in endurance events since 2009, was owned by Mark Round and ridden by Jenny Champion of Team New Zealand.
Taylor also notes it is NOT coincidence that the horse was an "Anglo-Arab" gelding.
You can't make this stuff up folks!
Watch Taylor talking about it here in this short clip:
Ok, now jump forward with me to 2019 and the Kentucky Derby.
With all of that history running through the back of my mind, I'm sitting there watching the Derby and "Maximum Security" wins!
Knowing the prophetic history here, I started to get excited.
And for anyone who watched or even saw the news after, you know what happened next: he was declared to be in violation and they took the win from him and gave it to Country House.
That can't be a good sign, can it?
Is that a prophetic message that the Deep State Swamp Drain will fail?
I was so eager to see what Taylor would say about this, and I've been searching and finally found this clip where he talks about it.
The clip should start at the 53:30 mark, but if not, jump to that part of the video.
Please enjoy what he has to say:
Here's even more, from Right Wing Watch:
Mark Taylor, the so-called “firefighter prophet” and radical conspiracy theorist who is the subject of a new movie premiering this week, appeared on Chris McDonald’s “The Mc Files” program on Friday, where he again asserted that opposition to Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is all about trying to prevent President Trump from establishing military tribunals in order to prosecute and execute Democratic leaders like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
“This has everything to do with military tribunals, them being charged with treason, and them going to prison for the rest of their lives and some being executed,” he said.
Taylor claimed that God recently delivered a huge “prophetic sign” of this plan when a horse named after Obama had to be euthanized at the World Equestrian Games in North Carolina last month.
“God’s been speaking a lot to me through racehorses,” he said. “The racehorse named Barack Obama was euthanized. That is probably the biggest prophetic sign that you could have of God saying this man is going to go down. Period. That’s the bottom line. You can get mad at me all you want to, but God’s the messenger here, he is the one sending the message. People don’t think that this stuff is real or it’s going to happen. It’s going to happen.”
“This is real,” Taylor insisted. “Justice is not coming, it’s here, period, and it is taking place on the earth. This whole thing with Kavanaugh is trying to stop the military tribunals … This is all about rounding these people up, charging them with treason, and they know that, basically, their head is going to be in a noose, literally.”
And for those of you who have loved all of this so far, here's one more bonus for clip for you.
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