Talk about writing a big check!
Michael Bloomberg is a famous Trump-hater and news out today says he will spend up to $500 million fighting against Donald Trump in 2020!
And here’s the kicker: he’s not even saying (yet) that he’s running himself.
He may just spend the money to attack Donald Trump!
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Talk about crazy!
Here's what Politico had to say:
Billionaire philanthropist Michael Bloomberg is preparing to spend at least $500 million from his own pocket to deny President Donald Trump a second term, according to Democratic operatives briefed on his plans.
Bloomberg has not yet announced whether he will run in the Democratic primary. If he runs, he will use that half-billion-dollar stake — roughly $175 million more than the Trump campaign spent over the course of the entire 2016 election cycle — to fuel his campaign through the 2020 primary season, with the expectation that the sum represents a floor, not a ceiling, on his potential spending.
If Bloomberg declines to seek the presidency, his intention is to run an unprecedented data-heavy campaign designed to operate as a shadow political party for the eventual Democratic nominee.
“That’ll get us through the first few months,” Kevin Sheekey, a top adviser to the former New York mayor, told POLITICO when asked about the $500 million plan, which is just 1 percent of Bloomberg’s estimated net worth.
“Mike spent $100 million in his last New York City election. And you can do the math as you think more broadly but New York City is 3 percent of the national population,” Sheekey said. “I’m not suggesting it’s straight math. But I’m suggesting that when Mike Bloomberg is committed to making a difference and seeing something though, generally speaking he’s pretty unabashed in doing so.”
To that end, Bloomberg has assembled a political team that, since late November, has been meeting at least once weekly in the Manhattan headquarters ofBloomberg Philanthropies to consider what some aides have called “Plan A” and “Plan B.”
Plan A is straightforward: Bloomberg runs for president as a Democrat, not as an independent candidate as he had mused privately in the past. According to Plan B, Bloomberg uses all the data — ranging from meticulously researched profiles of voters to polling data on the top issues that move the electorate — and field staff to help the otherwise-outgunned Democratic Party nominee to end Trump’s presidency.
Bloomberg said Friday at an event in Orlando, Fla., that he’ll make a decision in “three more weeks.”
He also made clear that he’s not waiting on former Vice President Joe Biden, who’s also mulling a bid for president and who, Bloomberg advisers acknowledge, could draw from the same pool of moderate primary voters.
"My decision doesn't depend on what other people are going to do," Bloomberg told The Associated Press. "My decision depends on whether or not I think I can make a difference."
Still, the subject of Biden has come up in discussions with those who have discussed Bloomberg’s options with his team.
Will He Run? Watch this:
And from Newsmax:
Billionaire Michael Bloomberg intends to spend at least $500 million of his own money in an effort to make sure President Donald Trump is not re-elected, Politico is reporting.
Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York City, has not announced whether he will seek the presidency himself. However, the money will be spent in a bid to stop Trump, whether Bloomberg is a candidate or not, according to the website.
If Bloomberg does enter the race, he will use the money to help finance his campaign through the primary season. If he decides against making a bid, the money will be used to fund a data-heavy campaign for the eventual Democratic nominee.
The $500 million is about $175 million more than was spent by the Trump campaign over the course of the 2016 election cycle. It is 1 percent of Bloomberg’s estimated net worth, Politico noted.
“Mike spent $100 million in his last New York City election.,” said Kevin Sheekey, a top adviser to Bloomberg. “And you can do the math as you think more broadly but New York City is 3 percent of the national population. I’m not suggesting it is straight math. But I’m suggesting that when Mike Bloomberg is committed to making a difference and seeing something though, generally speaking he’s pretty unabashed in doing so.”
Bloomberg is expected to make a decision on a possible presidential bid in about three weeks. But just days ago he blasted Trump’s campaign against illegal immigration calling it “xenophobic” and “un-American.”
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