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FOX NEWS REPORTS: Nutty California City To Pay Gang Members $1.5 MILLION To “Keep The Peace”

What is this, the Sopranos in real life?


This is truly insane.

A new report out today from Fox News says Sacramento is considering paying gang members up to $1.5 MILLION in order to “keep the peace.”


Not only that, but Sacramento is not the first city in California to consider this.  

According to the report, it’s already being done in Richmond and Stockton.  

AND…..the proposal passed with a 9-0 vote in favor by City Hall.


Hey, where’s MY $1.5M for keeping the peace?  

I’d love to go cash my check!  

How about this….how about NO PAYMENT for being a basic good citizen?

How about your ass gets thrown in jail for a long time if you don’t “keep the peace” and how about we dont send you any checks in the meantime?  

My goodness, this is nuts!

And people wonder why this state is bankrupt?

Take a look folks:

Here are all the details, from Fox News:

How bad has gun violence gotten in Sacramento, Calif.? City leaders now plan to pay gang members $1.5 million for a cease-fire.

Following a fatal shooting last weekend in a city park, the Sacramento city council unanimously approved a controversial program called Advance Peace in an effort to address a recent spike in violence.

The program offers gang members cash stipends for graduating from school and generally staying out of trouble.

Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg requested that the vote be moved up in response to the park shooting, which left one person dead and four injured, Fox 40 reported. The vote was supposed to take place in two weeks.

"Let's get going on doing everything we can to save innocent lives," Steinberg told Fox 40.

The $1.5 million in cash stipends to gang members will come from the city’s general fund. A similar program is being used in Richmond, Calif., and Stockton is considering it.

In Sacramento, the city council voted 9-0 in favor of the program, but the language of the contract has not been finalized.

However, critics remain skeptical that the plan will be effective.

"How's the vote going to change anything? It's up to the community to change. You know what I mean? It's just senseless," Allen Brown, a friend of Ernie Cadena, 49, who was killed in the park shooting Sunday, told Fox 40.


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