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College Students Blame Trump For Shutdown….Until They Learn The Facts!

This is a must-see!


This is really awesome!

It reminds me of when Jesse Watters would do his Watters World segments on The O’Reilly Factor.

A journalist went out to a college campus to ask college kids who they blamed for the shutdown. 

The response, at least according to the editing, was 100% against President Trump.

But then it gets really good.

Then he asks them who would be at fault if President Trump offered three main things as concessions to the Democrats.

Spoiler alert:  the three things mentioned are the three things President Trump offered to Nancy Pelosi in exchange for $5 billion in initial funding. 

The result?

It was unanimous in favor of President Trump when they were told he’d already done this!  

My favorite quote was the girl who said:  “wow, I’m really learning a lot!”

It’s only a couple minutes, and worth the watch.


Here's more, from the Conservative Tribune:

As an aside, we have covered these Campus Reform videos numerous times in the past, and while many on the right will chastise the ill-informed students on their lack of knowledgeabout the reality of the world around them, the students are merely uninformed young adults who have had biased narratives drilled into their heads by liberal academia and the liberal media.

Once the students had been informed that President Trump had made several offers of compromise to the Democrats — all of which were flatly rejected by Pelosi and her Democratic Party — their tunes on who was to blame for the longevity of the government shutdown changed dramatically.

As noted, all of the students interviewed in the video blamed Trump for the shutdown. Phillips then asked the students if they thought Democrats should agree to a compromise if Trump were to offer certain concessions, such as protection for the “DACA dreamers” of the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, $800 million in humanitarian aid for illicit border crossers and additional funding for immigration judges to clear the backlog of immigration cases.

All of the students said Democrats should accept such an offer and be willing to trade funding for a border wall to do so, even if it would be a “bittersweet” win for the left.

That is when Phillips revealed that President Trump had already made such an offer to Democrats, which was shocking news to all of them as they hadn’t heard this prior to his telling them.

With a laugh, one woman admitted that she hadn’t been aware of the compromise offer. Another young woman, asked if she was surprised by the revelation, replied, “Yeah, like … yeah.” Another pair of young women simply laughed and expressed their disbelief.

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A male student admitted his own surprise at the news, while another declared it to be “awesome.” The girl who said such a compromise would be “bittersweet” admitted that she was “pleasantly surprised” to learn the compromise had already been offered.

Finally, Phillips got to the kicker of the whole exercise and asked the students if they thought Democrats should have accepted the compromise deal instead of flatly rejecting it out of hand. All of them said “yes,” Pelosi’s Democrats should have been more open and accepting of the proposed compromise if only to get the government reopened and operational again.


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