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Lindsey Graham Goes On Hannity, Tells Him The DOJ Is Corrupt!

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Lindsey Graham had a GREAT interview on Hannity recently where they got right into several meaty issues!

If you missed it, don’t worry, we have the recap for you an the clip below!

Hannity didn’t waste any time asking Graham a great question right out of the gate:

“Will Bill Barr do the things that Jeff Sessions did not do? That is the Deep State, Hillary Clinton, and other things?” asked Hannity.

Graham responded, “I believe so. I’ve seen no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians, but I’ve seen a lot of corruption at the Department of Justice and the FBI. I think he’s going to look long and hard at the Department of Justice and the FBI and the way they conducted the Clinton investigation and the way they started-up the Mueller investigation.”

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Excellent answers!

If you want to watch the full interview, we’ve got it for you right here:


Here's more from The Hill:

During the Senate Judiciary Committee’s interview of attorney general nominee William Barr last Tuesday, committee chairman Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) asked: “Are there rules on how you can do counterintelligence investigations in the FBI?”

Barr replied, “I believe there are.”

Indeed there are, Mr. Barr. There are very specific rules governing the FBI’s ability to initiate and conduct counterintelligence investigations. These rules bear the title of the role you soon may take on for the second time. They are referred to as the “Attorney General Guidelines,” or AGG.

Please read and understand them. This may seem like a basic request to make of an attorney general, but there are strong indications that key players at the top of the FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) — who were at the center of the saga we, as a nation, have endured over the past two years — were not at all familiar with these vitally important guidelines.  

The AGG exist for one fundamental reason: to protect Americans from investigation by their government based on caprice, curiosity, resentments, or differences of political, religious, policy and cultural opinion.  

The AGG  help to ensure this protection by establishing thresholds the FBI must meet before it can launch a counterintelligence investigation, particularly against what the guidelines refer to as a “U.S. person,” that is, a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.  

Under the guidelines, before the FBI can initiate an investigation it must articulate facts that reasonably indicate a U.S. person may be acting on behalf of a foreign government or entity. Even then, the investigative techniques the FBI can deploy are severely limited and fairly benign. For example, the FBI cannot leverage Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act(FISA) court-ordered interceptions or task informants at this stage of its investigation.  

And from Fox News:

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham said he has full confidence in attorney general nominee Bill Barr to oversee the Department of Justice responsibly if confirmed.

Barr, who formerly served under President George H. W. Bush in that role, was on the Hill Tuesday for a confirmation hearing.

Graham said there is no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion, but that there is indeed evidence of corruption at the higher ranks of the DOJ. He said he hopes Barr will be the man to investigate the issue.

"Mr. Barr believes that politicians should not interfere in criminal investigations," Graham (R-S.C.) said. "But he also believes that criminal investigators should not be out to get politicians, and they were out to get Trump."

Graham said he wants Barr to find out if indeed there was a counterintelligence probe on the president, and if so, how it got started.

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The New York Times reported last week that the FBI opened a probe on Trump due to his behavior shortly after he fired former FBI director James Comey in May 2017.

"I want him to clean up this mess. I think the president picked the right guy to do this," Graham said.

Graham recently took over the reins of the committee from Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, who faced committee-chairmanship term limits.



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