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BREAKING: Reported Promoter of New Migrant Caravan Arrested on Rape Charges!

The news just broke....


President Trump says a border wall is essential because it will vastly cut down on drugs and violent crime like rape.

The President’s detractors immediately call him racist for making comments like this, but then stories like this pop up and it appears he was RIGHT AGAIN!

In a new report just out, one of the people believed to be a founder/promoter/organizer of the new Migrant Caravan forming in Honduras, 26-year-old Juan Carlos Molina, has been arrested on rape charges.

Send Nancy Pelosi a TRUCKLOAD of Bricks!

Will the Mainstream Media tell you about this?

Will they apologize to President Trump?


But don’t worry, we will.

Here are more details from our friends at Breitbart:

Police in Honduras arrested one of the organizing members of a new caravan of migrants who are seeking to reach the U.S. border. Police arrested the caravan organizer — serving a warrant on the charge of rape.

Authorities have confirmed the arrest of 26-year-old Juan Carlos Molina. They say the man they claim is one of the main organizers and promoters of a caravan of individuals from Honduras who are seeking to reach the U.S. border to request asylum. On Monday, a group of about 800 migrants left San Pedro Sula on their way north. It is believed that others may join along the way.

Initial information released by Miguel Perez, the sub-director of the Honduran Border Police, reveals that the arrest took place at the bus station in San Pedro Sula from where the first members of the caravan departed.  Perez stated that at the time of his arrest, Molina had fake IDs. The warrant for Molina’s arrest comes from a 2015 rape investigation, Honduras’ El Heraldo reported.

The new caravan comes as the Mexican border city of Tijuana continues to deal with thousands of members of the first caravan. Those migrants remain stranded in Tijuana as they wait for their turn to enter the U.S. to request asylum. City officials in Tijuana have been vocal about the lack of support from the Mexican federal government in dealing with the first caravan in providing food shelters and other basic needs, Breitbart News reported.


The Gateway Pundit just reported it is even worse than previously reported:

The organizer of the latest migrant caravan in Honduras, Juan Carlos Molina, was arrested on rape charges.

The man had an arrest warrant since August 2015.

It gets worse…

Police in Honduras arrested 26-year-old Juan Carlos Molina, a migrant caravan organizer who was on his way to the United States to seek asylum for raping his minor cousin, according to Diario La Tribuna.

According to La Tribuna, Juan Carlos Molina raped his minor cousin, who was under the age of 12 at the time.

Molina snuck into his cousin’s bedroom at night while the young girl’s mother was away at work and raped her, according to La Tribuna.


The minor child became pregnant and gave birth to a son. A DNA test of the infant matched Molina’s DNA.

Juan Carlos Molina skipped court dates and evaded law enforcement and ultimately became a fugitive. He would have made it to the US if he hadn’t been arrested.

Tell Nancy Pelosi It's Time To BUILD THE WALL!


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