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The Democrat Response Is Taking BIG LEAGUE Criticism On Twitter

It was not well received....


A little ditty ’bout Chuck & Nancyyyy…..

Did you see their little response last night?

It was tough to watch.

And NOT well received by many on Twitter.


Here it is if you haven’t yet seen it:

I was also disgusted by how Fox put up the title as "DEMOCRATIC RESPONSE".

Sad to say, but Fox's coverage last night was terrible!  

Fox the channel, not Fox News.  

Memo to Fox:  their name is the Democrat Party, not the "Democratic" Party.  

If you want to be a news organization, at least get that part right!

And Shep Smith talking with Chris Wallace was pure Lefty Propoganda.  It was very hard to stomach.  

Can we fire these two already and ship Shep over over CNN?

But never fear......Americans saw right through all the garbage and had this to say in response to the Democrats:

And the best for last.....I think this was by far my favorite Meme I saw:


Please post your favorites in the comments below!

Tell Nancy It's Time to BUILD THE WALL:

Don't ya just love it?

Send Nancy a brick here!



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