You may not agree with our President, but I’ll tell you one thing you can’t deny….
President Trump has an opinion, he has a world view, and it’s been shockingly consistent for over 30 years!
You may not agree with it, but he doesn’t just pander to the crowd or say what he thinks people want to hear.
He says what he believes, and often times he says it in spite of what a pollster or adviser would recommend.
In other words, he speaks from the heart and from what he truly believes is best for America.
I recently came across some old interviews of Trump from the 1980s and I was shocked at how consistent he is! It sounds like these could have been recorded in 2018….not 1988!
Here’s the first one, Trump with Donahue….take a look:
Here's what's even better than that interview.....the top 9 comments on YouTube!
This has not been Photoshopped or edited in any way, I simply took a screen grab of the top 9 comments and ALL NINE are pro-Trump!
Yeah.....tell me again how "unpopular" he is! What a joke!
Read these comments:

I could have added dozens more, you can go read them yourself if you want!
Now here's another one, Dan Rather interviewing Donald and Melania in 1999:
And I couldn't leave out Dave.
I know Dave has gone hopelessly Left-wing, but there was a time when there was NO ONE BETTER on TV than Letterman. He was the gold standard because actually much like Trump he didn't care what you thought and would speak his mind directly to his guests.
So here is Trump going mano a mano with Letterman in 1986:
So, what do you think of our President after watching these?
He's incredible how consistent he is!
Almost like he believes what he's saying, imagine that! What a rarity in politics!
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