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BUSTED…for Fake News!

The world is laughing at you!


Donald Trump famously coined the term “Fake News” when referring to MSNBC, CNN and all the other “news organizations” that lie through their teeth!

And now we were just given a gift…..

The perfect VISUAL representation of what “Fake News” looks like.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and this video perfectly sums up what Fake News looks like in action!

Watch this reporter acting like he’s fighting for his life to stand straight up in a vicious storm.  

“Acting” being the key word.

Because shortly into the clip, you see two teenagers walking by in the background like nothing is going on. 


I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a massive fan off camera blowing in the wind that this “reporter” was fighting against.  

Take a look (and show your friends!) >>

Twitter had a field day with the "reporter".....



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