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CHOO CHOO: Guess Who Else Are FINALLY Changing Their Minds On President Trump!

A popular conservative magazine becomes the next in line to wake up and smell the MAGA.

Legendary National Review editor William Buckley criticized Muhammad Ali harshly for Ali’s stance on race relations and the Vietnam War. 

But later, after meeting the champ himself, Buckley was impressed…and said so. 

The moral of this story? National Review is stubborn…but they eventually come around.

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Editor Rich Lowry penned an editorial for the magazine this week, called “Give Trump Credit Where Credit Is Due,” where he finally admits President Trump is winning! 

An excerpt:

Republicans have tried, on and off, to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil drilling since the 1980s. The effort has always engendered intense opposition and always been abandoned. A provision for drilling in ANWR is included in the Republican tax bill almost as an afterthought. 

Republicans took a constitutional fight against Obamacare’s individual mandate to the Supreme Court in 2012, and lost. They targeted it in their Obamacare repeal-and-replace bill earlier this year, and lost. 

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They tried again with a last-ditch “skinny repeal” bill, and lost yet again. 

Repeal of the individual mandate also is included in the Republican tax bill. As the year ends, President Donald Trump is compiling a solid record of accomplishment. Much of it is unilateral, dependent on extensive executive actions rolling back President Barack Obama’s regulations, impressive judicial appointments, and the successful fight against ISIS overseas. 

The tax bill is the significant legislative achievement that heretofore had been missing.

If Buckley was still around, would he praise Trump? He’d sniff and use a lot of big words as usual…but we’re guessing he would tout The Donald indeed. 


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