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Joy Behar Busted for Groping!

Not funny, Trump-hating, groper! Three strikes and you're out!


I cannot stand Joy Behar.

She offends me as a comedian.  So clearly lacking in talent, she is simply not funny.  

And on The View?  Forget about it!  Unwatchable!

Then she started attacking Donald Trump, and I knew her time of reckoning was coming.  The Trump Boomerang Effect would take her down.

And it has.

Behar just joined the list of HollyWeird celebrities exposed for perversion.  

Behar Gropes Robin Williams

Zoom In on the Picture:

Sure, she'll say it was all fun and games, just joking around.

NATIONAL POLL: Do You Trust Fox News?


Robin doesn't look real comfortable to me!  

Assault is assault.  Period.  

Just like her career as a "comedian"......not funny! 

Should The View Be Taken Off The Air?


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