Watergate Was Pedogate (70% of Top US Officials Compromised?)
This is a guest post by ConcreteConspiracy — find more from Concrete Conspiracy on Substack here. This article contains statements and commentary which are the opinion of Concrete...
This is a guest post by ConcreteConspiracy — find more from Concrete Conspiracy on Substack here. This article contains statements and commentary which are the opinion of Concrete...
I have scary news to report… It’s speculated Hillary Clinton is positioning herself to run for presidential nomination in 2024. It would certainly answer the...
March 2020, first two months into the pandemic President Trump postpones student loan debt until 2021. March, 2020. Less than two months into the pandemic....
I am happy to report “Cuomo Karma” strikes again! Ex-NY Governor Andrew Cuomo is ordered to pay $5.1 Million Dollars back to the state of...
This just in, Ex-White House ethics official calls out Biden administration for releasing report, highlighting money laundering in the art industry – all while Hunter...
This is the part where we tell disillusioned leftist voters that we told you so. One of Sleepy Joe’s first executive orders in office was...
New York’s King Cuomo held his first press conference in wake of the nursing home scandal that revealed his administration lied about the number of...
Sources indicate that some Democrats are now demanding that Parler release information on their investors and creditors.
Senator Rand Paul has some blistering words for Democrats and their sham impeachment of President Trump.
At least one Democrat is calling for the removal of the postal board citing their 'complicity' in attempting to 'overturn' the 2020 election.