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Great Faith in the Midst of Darkness


It’s Sunday again and that means an update from our good friend Pastor Robb.

I like to bring you a great gospel message each Sunday and I’ve got another good one for you today.

From Pastor Robb:

Good and Happy Sunday to everyone on We Love Trump!

Today’s livestream message is titled,  “Great Faith in the Midst of Darkness.”

We are facing terrible darkness in our world, country and in our US & local governments. 

The lies and the deception of Satan is very Great in our present day.

But. God has made  a way for us to overcome all darkness and deception.

Today’s message is very encouraging and it will build you up in your faith.

I pray that this message today will bless and strengthen you.

God bless America and may God bless President Trump!

Pastor Robb Goodman
Sr. Pastor of Zion Freedom Fellowship USA 🇺🇸



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