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Suppressed Government Study Verifies Long-Time Conspiracy Theory


Conspiracy theorists have taken victory laps since the COVID-19 hysteria began.

A massive government report hidden by Biden health officials appears to confirm another long-time conspiracy theory.

In a study by the National Toxicology Program (NTP), fluoride exposure was found to negatively impact childhood IQ.

How many times were we told fluoridated water was safe to drink?

The NTP review on fluoride’s neurotoxicity was reportedly suppressed by government officials since May 2022.

A lawsuit by the Fluoride Action Network forced the report’s public release.

From Fluoride Action Network:

A court order has led to the National Toxicology Program (NTP) releasing a finalized systematic review of fluoride’s neurotoxicity that was blocked by government officials and concealed from the public since May 2022, according to the Fluoride Action Network. The NTP reported 52 of 55 studies found decreases in child IQ with increased fluoride.

“Our meta-analysis confirms results of previous meta-analyses and extends them by including newer, more precise studies…The data support a consistent inverse association between fluoride exposure and children’s IQ.”

NTP’s meta-analysis puts the harm into perspective:

“[R]esearch on other neurotoxicants has shown that subtle shifts in IQ at the population level can have a profound impact…a 5-point decrease in a population’s IQ would nearly double the number of people classified as intellectually disabled.”

The documents include comments from NTP’s experts confirming their conclusion applies to fluoridation. When an unnamed government employee commenter claimed:

“The data do not support the assertion of an effect below 1.5 mg/L…all conclusory statements in this document should be explicit that any findings from the included studies only apply to water fluoride concentrations above 1.5 mg/L.”

We have no basis on which to state that our findings are not relevant to some children or pregnant people in the United States,” the NTP said.

Several of the highest quality studies showing lower IQs in children were done in optimally fluoridated (0.7 mg/L) areas…many urinary fluoride measurements exceed those that would be expected from consuming water that contains fluoride at 1.5 mg/L.”

Fluoride Action Network added:

Asked whether its meta-analysis had identified any safe dose of fluoride, NTP responded that they found “no obvious threshold” for total fluoride exposure or water fluoride exposure. NTP cited their report’s graph showing a steep drop in IQ of about 7 points over a fluoride range from 0.2 to 1.5 mg/L. A peer-reviewer commented on the size of the effect: “…that’s substantial…That’s a big deal.”

Fluoride Action Network issued this statement on the legal action taken to force the report’s public release:

The Fluoride Action Network has won another significant victory involving our federal lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the neurotoxicity of fluoridation chemicals.

As a result of months of legal motions, subpoenas, and extensive negotiations with the U.S. Department Of Justice (DOJ)–which is representing the EPA in court–our legal council was successful in getting the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to agree to publicly release the National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) completed multi-year systematic review of fluoride’s impact on the developing brain. After being served a subpoena by our attorneys, the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)–a branch of NIH–agreed to publicly produce their final report that was intended to be published in May of 2022. They have until March 15th to upload the documents to the NTP’s website, including the monograph, the meta-analysis, and communications between various federal agencies and the NTP about the report.

This victory will allow the public to finally see the report and accompanying documents that were blocked from being published by the leadership at US Health and Human Services (HHS) in May of 2022. Internal CDC emails discovered through Freedom Of Information Act Requests by FAN indicated that the publication of the final NTP report was blocked at the last second due to interference from the Assistant Health Secretary, Rachel Levine. One email from the CDC’s Oral Health Director from June 3rd, 2022 stated, “ASH Levine has put the report on hold until further notice.”

Our attorney, Michael Connett, summed up this victory, saying: “This represents a major reversal in the federal agencies’ position, and will ensure that the public has access to these critical documents that would have otherwise remained buried forever.”

This victory also sets the stage for the Court to move forward with scheduling the dates of the next phase of trial at the upcoming April 11th status hearing rather than adjudicating our motions to compel the NTP to hand over these documents involuntarily. The judge and our attorneys had indicated that the final stages of the trial could occur as soon as this summer or fall. These documents will play a major role in this final phase of the trial, and now the testimony on them will be accessible to the public rather than occurring behind closed doors as would have happened without this agreement.

Read the court order:

Here’s the email from the CDC’s Oral Health Division that the report was put on hold by Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine.

The Defender added commentary on the report:

“These findings fly in the face of the empty, unscientific claims U.S. health officials have propagated for years, namely that water fluoridation is safe and beneficial,” said Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health Defense chairman and chief litigation counsel. “It’s past time to eliminate this neurotoxin from our water supply.”

SIGN THE PETITION: We Need National Voter ID!

The controversial report will play a key role in determining the outcome of a lawsuit brought in 2017 by several nonprofits against the EPA to end fluoridation of drinking water, plaintiffs’ attorney Michael Connett told The Defender.

“We had to fight hard to have this report even made public,” Connett said. “They [CDC and HHS] buried this. If they had gotten their way, this report would have never even seen the light of day,” Connett said.

Since the trial began in 2020, U.S. District Judge Edward Chen has been waiting for the NTP to complete a systematic review of fluoride’s neurotoxicity before ruling on the case.

Groups like the American Dental Association publicly pressured the NTP to “exclude any neurotoxin claims” from the reports.

Connett said during the trial, the EPA repeatedly claimed that the plaintiffs’ allegations about toxicity could not be verified because there was no “systematic review.”

The documents released Wednesday fill that gap.


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