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Number Of Beef Cows In The U.S. DROPS To The LOWEST LEVEL Since 1962 — Food Crisis Intensifies


First we had a health crisis (allegedly) with the C19 fiasco.

Or as we like to call it around here, the Planned-demic.

Now we’re experiencing a Banking Crisis as bank after bank fails and Bank Runs are set to intensify.

Want to know what comes next?

The Food Crisis.

That’s the scariest one of all.

You can see the writing on the wall, right?

First we have Klaus and all those creeps telling us “Zee will eat zee bugs and zee will be happy!”

Not me Klaus.

Then you have Bill Gates telling you he’s going to inject every last cow with mRNA, because….science!

Not on my watch Bill.

But you can see they’re doing everything they can to STOP YOU from eating meat.


Because meat keeps you strong and healthy.

Eating crickets?

Not so much.

And they are succeeding.

A new report out today shows that Beef Cows just hit their lowest number since 1962.

Take a look:

And here:

From, here is more on the story:

This is just another reason Americans need to be stocking up on frozen AND freeze-dried beef.

Americans need to be prepared to eat a lot less beef, because the size of the national cattle herd is steadily shrinking.  And of course this is happening in the context of a much larger crisis.  As I detailed in a previous article, even CNN is admitting that we are currently in the midst of “the worst food crisis in modern history”.  But even though children are literally dropping dead from starvation on the other side of the planet, a lot of people here in the United States refuse to take this crisis seriously.  As long as their stomachs are full they think that everything is just fine.  But the truth is that conditions are also starting to get tight here in the United States.

According to the latest biannual report from the USDA, the number of beef cows in this country has fallen to the lowest level since 1962…

The USDA’s biannual cattle report showed that, as of Jan. 1, 2023, there is a 89.3 million head inventory — which is three percent lower than the total from a year ago and the lowest since 2015. Of that number, 38.3 million cows and heifers have calved.

Additionally, there are 28.9 million beef cows, which are those explicitly bred for slaughter and meat sales, as of the start of this year — which is down nearly four percent from last year and the lowest the agency has recorded since 1962.

In 1962, 184 million people lived in the United States.

Today, that number has risen to 331 million.

So we have a problem.

But even though beef prices have been soaring, most Americans don’t realize the gravity of this shortage yet because we are still eating cattle that were slaughtered some time ago.

And according to livestock economist Kenny Burdine, “cattle production’s downward trend does not seem like it will reverse in 2023”

University of Kentucky’s Kenny Burdine and James Mitchell, extension livestock economist for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, recently explained that “There was no question that the beef cow herd had gotten smaller” and that the cattle production’s downward trend does not seem like it will reverse in 2023.”

“There is a pretty substantial biological lag in the beef supply chain,” Mitchell noted. “What consumers experience at the grocery store is a product of what cattle producers were going through a year or two ago. It takes about two years for a new calf to become the steak on your dinner plate.”

The corporate media is already calling beef “a luxury meat”, and prices are inevitably going to go a lot higher in the months ahead.

So if you love beef, you should stock up now.

Meanwhile, food shortages continue to intensify all over the globe.

In Yemen, literally millions of children “suffer from acute malnutrition” at this point…

The Global Hunger Index currently ranks Yemen the worst in the world for level of hunger. Millions of Yemeni children, in some areas as many as 95% according to doctors in those areas that I spoke to, suffer from acute malnutrition.

The resulting stunted physical development had me convinced that I was in a kindergarten classroom when in fact I was meeting with eight and nine-year-olds. And those children were, as a colleague unnervingly put it, “the lucky ones.”

In North Korea, ordinary citizens are “reportedly dropping dead on the streets every day” due to the severe famine that is taking place in that nation…

THIS is the moment Kim Jong-un and his cronies gorged on popcorn and champagne as North Korea faces the worst famine in three decades.

Stockpiles of food are dwindling fast in the secretive state, and dozens of malnourished North Koreans are reportedly dropping dead on the streets every day.

In Somalia, the “longest and most severe” drought in that country’s history has produced unprecedented suffering…

About 1.3 million people, 80 percent women and children, have been internally displaced in Somalia by the drought sweeping the Horn of Africa. After five consecutive poor rainy seasons, the ongoing drought has already become the longest and most severe in Somalia’s recent history.

Close to 23 million people are thought to be highly food insecure in Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya, according to a food security working group chaired by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and the regional Intergovernmental Authority on Development.

Sadly, most of us in the western world don’t care about poor people on the other side of the globe.

So let me give you an example from the western world.

In the UK, the largest supermarkets are now strictly rationing many fruits and vegetables…

The UK’s largest supermarket, Tesco, and discounter Aldi have said they are putting limits of three per customer on sales of tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers.

Asda has capped sales of lettuces, salad bags, broccoli, cauliflowers and raspberry punnets to three per customer, along with tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers.

And Morrisons has set limits of two on cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuces and peppers.

And it is being reported that approximately 22 percent of all British households “skipped meals or even fasted for a whole day in January”

A British NGO has warned that as many as four million children are now in food poverty amid the ongoing cost-of-living crisis.

The survey on behalf of the Food Foundation, an NGO which promotes healthy eating, found that 22 percent households said they had skipped meals or even fasted for a whole day in January this year, an increase on the 12 percent reporting the same at the start of last year.

This is really happening.

Look, I don’t know about you but I don’t want to eat crickets…

I also don’t want mRNA in my meat.

I want to eat big, beautiful Black Angus RED MEAT the way God made it!


The very fact they’re trying to poison the meat tells you all you need to know.

Meat must be very good for you.

Especially meat without antibiotics, without growth hormones, without chemicals….and definitely without mRNA!

But thanks to “Kill Gates” and his friends like Klaus (Anal) Schwab, that kind of unadulterated meat is becoming harder and harder to find.

Why do the big companies pump the cattle full of all this crap?

In Bill Gates’ case, I think he truly believes in a depopulation agenda.

For all the rest?

It’s business, baby!  Big business!  Toxic Big Business!

These big companies raise the cattle in stalls with no space in between them.

The result?

One cow gets sick, they all get sick!

So to keep the operation going, they are constantly pumped full of hormones and antibiotics….and then guess what goes into your body when you eat them?

Guess what goes into your kids bodies?

Ever wonder why kids are starting puberty at younger and younger ages?

Couldn’t be related to them eating meat pumped full of cow steroids, could it?

But enough about the problem….

I NEVER leave you with just the problem.

You better know I’ve got the solution!

I’d like to introduce you to Black Angus beef, pasture raised on hundreds of thousands of acres.

Free roaming with plenty of open air between all the cattle.

Grass fed.

No hormones and no antibiotics.  Never!

Oh, and it’s CHEAPER than Omaha Steaks!

BOOM, who loves ya baby!

The only “catch”?

It’s Invite only.

Good thing you know someone that has the invites….(me!).

If you’d like to find out more and get a FREE personal invite, just go here and tell them Noah sent you:

It’s the real deal, and because they don’t raise the Black Angus like the big companies do, they may have the SHUT OFF invites if they grow too fast.

So if you want in, let me know soon.

It’s all part of something bigger I’ve just started working on.

Let me fill you in…

When I started this website back in 2015 I started it because I was on a mission…

I wanted to get the truth out to as many people as possible.

The truth that wasn’t being covered anywhere else.

I started with literally 0.

Zero experience…

Zero money…

Zero backers…

Zero readers…

Zero of any of you!

Along the way, we’ve built a massive community of people who love America and want to see our country become great again.

We now average between 4 and 6 million readers EACH MONTH!

And we’re growing again, pretty quickly.

More importantly, the MISSION is growing!

But we’ve also faced major opposition.

Oh it hasn’t been easy by any stretch of the imagination.

We were DELETED from Facebook after having 1.5 million people Follow and Love our Page!

Just poof….one day, gone!

We’ve been censored on almost every platform out there, emails sent to Junk or just “disappeared” despite people signing up over and over.

Speaking of email, we’ve had two email companies ban us because they went Far-Left.

So it hasn’t always been easy…

But we’re on a MISSION and mission always wins out in the end.

And today I want to tell you about an expansion of that mission.

From Day 1, our mission has been about getting the truth out to as many people as we possibly can.

But after being deleted, banned and censored by almost everyone out there, I realized pretty quick that we need a Parallel Economy!

We need to stop sending our dollars to the corporations that hate us and want to see us gone!

Remember the Georgia Guidestones?

They literally told us they wanted to reduce us from 8 billion people on the Earth down to only 500 million.

No big deal, right?

Just an elimination of 94% of all people living right now.

And yet we continue to shop at their big stores and send them our money, because until now we’ve had little choice.

Well, today that changes.

And today my mission EXPANDS…

And I’m SO excited!

Allow me to introduce you to the solution.

It’s time to “Make The Switch” and change where you send your dollars each month.

What if I told you instead of sending your money to Jeff Bezos and Costco and Walmart, you could shop at the LAST pro-America, freedom-loving, American designer, manufacturer and shipper of all the stuff you buy each month!

Oh, and what if I told you the products are BETTER and often CHEAPER?

Yes, for real.

And what if I told you this is the best kept secret you’ve never heard of before, but that this company has been doing this for the last 37 years?

And their founder was once placed on Barack Hussein Obama’s list of the Top 10 most “Dangerous Conservatives” in America?

(a list I one day hope to make myself!)

All of that is real and I’m so excited to tell you about it and I hope you’ll join the MISSION with me.

Here’s a quick summary of this company that I’m so excited to now be partnered up with on this mission:

Sound good to anyone else?

Me too!

The reason you’ve never heard of them is because it’s Invite Only.

I can get you in, but you can’t just go sign up.

They only want people on the same mission to join and they’re happy to say “no” to the Far-Left Libs!

They’ve been doing it for 37 years and it’s been working great.

Oh, and did I mention the products are non-toxic and don’t have all the chemicals and crap like Red Dye 40 that all the Big Corporations put in their products to weaken you?

To wear you down?

To make you — and your family — sick?

Because then when you get sick you’ll buy their drugs!

Sorry folks, I don’t play that game and neither does my family.

We’re talking the LAST all natural, grass fed, no hormone, massive beef cattle ranch in the United States….

Sound good?

We’re talking Fluoride Free Toothpaste, chemical free cleaners, Deet-free mosquito repellant!

What novel concepts, right?

Stop sending you money to these 11 corporations that do NOT have your best interest at heart:

It’s an ILLUSION of choice.

There’s only one pro-American, American made and manufactured, chemical free, toxin free, hormone free, company left….and I’m teaming up with them to FIGHT BACK!

Who’s with me?

Watch this:

As I said, it’s Invite Only and the invite is completely free!

In fact, I’ve assembled a team of patriots who will personally get you invited and signed up….if you want in.

It’s called “Patriot Switch” and I think the name says it all.

Folks, we don’t have many strongholds left.

This is one.

And I’m all in.

If you’d like to find out more and get a FREE personal invite, just go here:

Tell them Noah sent you and I promise you will get a personal call, text or email.

Don’t freak out when you do.

And make sure you tell them you are interested in the Black Angus beef!

I know I tend to get concerned when I get messages from numbers I don’t recognize, but if you request a Free Invite (Link here: you WILL have someone from my Inner Circle reach out to you….so be ready!

These are awesome people and I think you’ll love getting a chance to talk with them.

And they’ll help get you all set up.

Who’s with me?

– Noah

p.s. Since everyone gets personal attention, we will take these in the order in which they come in.  So if you are excited, ask for your invite now or you might be far down on the list.  I have a great team, but they can only do so much and they’ll work on a first-come, first-served basis.

Request a free Invite here:



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