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Schools Require Parental Consent For OTC Meds, Not Gender Transition: It’s Time to Take Back Our Rights as Parents


A recent report shows a growing number of school districts will hide a child’s social gender transition from parents.

According to the report compiled by the Defense of Freedom Institute, while schools typically require parental consent for over-the-counter medication, it’s not required to socially transition a child.

In fact, their policies don’t even require the teachers or administrators to inform the parents of the transition.

Shore News Network had more:

Eight of the nation’s 20 largest school districts, which together enroll 2.5 million students, do not notify parents when students change their pronouns and name on school documents, according to a Defense of Freedom Institute report. The New York City Department of Education, Los Angeles Unified School District, Chicago Public Schools and Fairfax County Public Schools are among the school districts that require parental permission to dispense over-the-counter medication to students but not for gender changes.

Outside of the eight major school districts, 13 additional systems require parental permission for over-the-counter medicine but not for a student to make a change to their pronouns and name at school, the report showed.

You can read the full report here.

The public school system’s overreach has gone too far!

Besides introducing pornographic smut, they’re too busy confusing kids with the five-hundred thirty-two different sexual orientations and gender identities out there.

None of which should be taking place at school!

Why does the Left insist on pushing this crap on our kids?

Schools should not be spending time and tax dollars teaching kids about sexual preferences or encouraging them to identify as a cardboard box if they so choose!

And on top of that, they want to keep secrets from their parents.

It’s almost like they’re purposefully trying to drive a wedge between children and their parents.

If the Left had their way, parental rights would be stripped entirely!

A mother in Maine is speaking out after finding that her daughter’s school tried to hide her gender transition.

Fox News reported on the story.

A Maine mother is demanding that an investigation be opened into her daughter’s former school after administrators allegedly hid the girl’s attempted gender transition from her family.

Amber Lavigne’s claims a social worker at Great Salt Bay Community School in Damariscotta gave her 13-year-old-daughter a transitioning device called a “chest binder.”

She also found that school employees allegedly referred to her daughter by a new name and used male pronouns.

Lavigne said she immediately contacted Superintendent Lynsey Johnston and Principal Kim Schaff about the chest binder and had a phone call with Schaff.

But after Schaff and Johnston allegedly met with the social worker, Lavigne said school leaders appeared to side with Roy and refused to hand over documents on her daughter, citing the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.


Nothing that takes place at school should ever be hidden from a parent.

Who do these people think they are?

I’m fed up with the public schools acting like our children belong to them!

And Lavigne isn’t the only parent fighting this battle.

Aurora Regino, a California mother, is suing her daughter’s school district for keeping her child’s gender transition from her.

The Christian Post covered Regino’s story:

Regino’s daughter, referred to in the lawsuit as “A.S.,” told a school counselor in early 2022 that she “felt like a boy.” The counselor allegedly encouraged the then-fifth-grade student to adopt a name and identity consistent with her new gender identity as a male and informed the child’s teacher about her new identity.

The complaint maintained that the district did not notify Regino of the affirmation of her child’s expressed gender identity.

“After several weeks of A.S. identifying as a boy at school, Ms. Regino learned about A.S.’s new gender identity,” the lawsuit reads.

This is absurd!

Besides the obvious disrespect for parents, what the heck is the school counselor doing encouraging a child to change their identity?

This. Is. Not. Your. Child.

And in fifth grade?

Let kids be kids for crying out loud.

According to The Christian Post,

The complaint alleges that the school district has a “Parental Secrecy Policy,” which allows schools to “socially transition students who express a desire to live as a gender different from that associated with their biological sex while … keeping the social transitioning secret from their parents unless the student specifically authorizes the school to inform them.” The school district has denied the existence of such a policy.

The lawsuit characterizes the school’s actions as a violation of parental rights under the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to “direct the upbringing of their children; to make decisions concerning the care, custody, and control of their children; to direct the medical and mental health decision making for their children; and to make private familial decisions regarding their children without undue interference by the state.”

Regino’s lawsuit comes at a time when many public school districts face increased scrutiny for policies requiring teachers to keep parents in the dark about their child’s gender identity if the child prefers his or her parents not to be told.

It’s bad enough that this is happening period, but it’s spreading like a disease.

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All over the US, schools are crafting policies that allow them to keep parents in the dark.

They’ve been doing this for years, little by little, and this is just the most recent inch they’re trying to take over.

It’s time for parents to step up and demand transparency in their children’s education.

The movement across the country to ensure a Parents’ Bill of Rights is one to watch.



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