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MONTANA: Proposed Bill Would Ban COVID-19 Jab Recipients From Donating Blood


A bill proposed in the Montana Legislature would ban COVID-19 jab recipients from donating blood.

HB 645 says a person “may not knowingly donate whole blood, plasma, blood products, blood derivatives, human tissue, organs, or bones containing gene-altering proteins, nanoparticles, high-count spike proteins from long covid-19, or other isolates introduced by mRNA or DNA vaccines, mRNA or DNA chemotherapies, or other novel mRNA or DNA pharmaceutical biotechnologies.”

Anyone who violates the proposed law would be charged with a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine up to $500.

Critics said the bill would decimate the state’s blood supply.

From the Daily Montanan:

A bill to ban donors who have received the COVID-19 vaccination from giving blood will “decimate” blood supply in Montana and leave patients at risk of even death, said opponents of House Bill 645.

“Montana’s blood supply could be cut by up to 80%, leading to adverse patient outcomes including unnecessary and unconscionable death,” said senior vice president of blood collection nonprofit Vitalant, Cliff Numark.

Numark said most blood banks are barely meeting the needs of patients today, and with an 80% reduction in blood supply, procedures for accident victims, pregnancy complications and more mundane blood transfusions would not be possible.

House Bill 645 would ban individuals who received the COVID-19 vaccine from donating blood, making it a misdemeanor with a $500 fine to donate or accept blood from vaccinated donors. The bill would also ban people who have had a diagnosis of “Long COVID,” medically defined as “postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 due to chronic 27 SARS-CoV-2 viral infection.”

In addition to creating a severe shortage of blood in the state, opponents said there’s no way to test blood for both Long COVID or the vaccines.

However, proponents said the bill, a continuation of anti-vaccine legislation that passed last session, was about medical autonomy and the right to receive blood from donors had not been vaccinated against COVID-19.

However, Montana Standard reports HB 645 has been killed.

Montana Standard reported:

The House Human Services committee has killed a bill that would have made it illegal to donate blood or tissue if the donor had received any mRNA vaccines or treatments.

The bill called for perpetrators who knowingly collect and distribute blood or tissue “containing gene-altering proteins” or other “isolates introduced by mRNA or DNA vaccines” or chemotherapies, to face a misdemeanor charge punishable by a fine up to $500.

Misinformation about messenger RNA has been rampant among the far right since COVID-19 vaccinations were developed in record time using this biotechnology and vaccination mandates hit health care facilities.

Rep. Greg Kmetz, R-Miles City, explained that House Bill 645 is a constituent bill, saying the legislation arose from safety concerns among the residents in his district.

Mike Kinsella, one of 12 individuals to testify in opposition of the bill, said the legislation would “contradict federal regulations that require the organ recipient and the donor to have the COVID-19 vaccination before any procedure can take place.”

“(HB645) will damage and prolong anybody on that list. If you do decide to put it through, you should hold yourselves complicit in the deaths of anybody waiting for an organ transplant,” Kinsella said.

Hospitals nationwide are guilty of denying organ transplants to unvaccinated individuals. 

It’s pure evil as the hospitals will sentence unvaccinated patients to die because of their medical choice.

Here are some examples:

Washington Hospital Refuses to Perform Transplants on Unvaccinated Patients


EXCLUSIVE: University of Colorado Medical Center Denies Kidney Transplant to Unvaccinated Patient

There was no concern about the blood supply when unvaccinated patients were denied organ transplants.

Montana Standard added:

On Monday night, HHS committee members voted to table the bill in a 19 to 1 vote. The vote to keep the bill was cast by Rep. Sheldon- Galloway.

Read HB 645 in its entirety HERE.


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