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White House Deputy Accidentally Posts “Joe Biden Showered With His Daughter”


We already know why he’s called Creepy Joe.

We’ve seen the sniffs.


We’ve read Ashley Biden’s diary detailing the inappropriate homelife growing up with Joe and Jill.

What we didn’t expect was for the White House Deputy Press Secretary to share a post on Twitter that reads “Joe Biden Showered With His Daughter.”

But that’s exactly what happened.


Bates shared a video post of Karine Jean-Pierre defending Bouttigieg’s feet-dragging response to Ohio.

According to The Western Journal,

Bates did not pay much attention to the tweet that he sent out. If he had, he would have noticed that the video he tweeted came from journalist Greg Price, who at the time had changed his Twitter name to “Joe Biden Showered with His Daughter.”

Price later changed his Twitter name back to his real name so Bates’s tweet no longer reads that, but the screenshots are still there for all to see.

Price’s joke name refers to the fact that a diary confirmed to have belonged to Joe Biden’s daughter, Ashley Biden, claims that her father took showers with her when she was a child, which is beyond creepy.

If you’ve forgotten – or just blocked it out of your memory because it’s traumatizing, The Western Journal reminds us of what Ashley Biden wrote in her diary.

“Hyper-sexualized @ a young age … I remember somewhat being sexualized with [a family member]; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate).”


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Was Bates’ mistake just another show of the administration’s complete lack on intellect or was this a gloriously enlightening Fruedian slip via Tweet?

Are you ready for the 2024 election?

This creep has stayed well past his eviction date!


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