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WATCH: East Palestine Rolled Out Digital ID Right BEFORE Disaster, Coincidence?


I have said it many times before and I’ll say it again: coincidences are the exception, never the rule.

If they were, we wouldn’t have a term to denote these rare incidents—if something seems coincidental it likely isn’t.

We have been bringing you reports and updates on the train disaster responsible for the leak of toxic materials in East Palestine, Ohio, and the surrounding areas.

Employees of Norfolk-Southern have since come out to claim that the derailed train had serious issues before the accident, and this detail becomes even more suspect when one considers the latest developments. …

According to residents of East Palestine, they were presented with the option of signing up for a digital ID program to track various health problems, particularly breathing problems.

My ID medical bands began to roll out to residents of East Palestine in October 2022; here’s what the residents and various outlets are reporting:

According to Trending Politics:

One of the local police officers said, “My goal is to have 100% of our residents and the citizens we serve in the township to have one of these and be working with them to make sure that we can treat them There’s a 3 year plan to get My ID going across the village, and make it available to all 4,700 residents.”

The introduction of a new digital surveillance program left Moore shocked, and he was also disturbed by the possibility that residents of his town would again be used as test subjects, following the implementation of compulsory vaccine mandates across the country.


The Gateway Pundit shared one local farmers’ account:

“It was exactly a week before the derailment happened,” Moore said. “The people were asked to go to the local fire department in downtown East Palestine to get that MyID.

“They began monitoring your physical activity, your heart rate, your respiration, anything you might be exposed to.

I see this as the kind of censor you would put on an astronaut or on an athlete that you wanted to track to see how he’d react to stress or being winded, or in this instance chemical exposure. It’s a monitoring device.”


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