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New York Freedom Rally Leads Demonstrations at Pfizer & United Nations, Chant “Nuremberg”


New York Freedom Rally on Saturday hosted New York City’s latest rendition of Worldwide Freedom Rally.

The protestors advocating for medical freedom gathered at Pfizer headquarters in Manhattan.

One of the primary reasons for the gathering was to honor victims of the experimental COVID-19 shot.

Signs at the event paid tribute to COVID-19 jab-injured individuals and spoke out against medical tyranny.

NJEG Media captured footage of the event:

One artist sang “I’m unvaccinated, I ain’t showing you my papers!” during a music demonstration.


The medical freedom protestors marched from Pfizer headquarters to the United Nations and chanted “Nuremburg.”

They placed white roses outside the United Nations to show solidarity for the countries held hostage by globalist tyrants.

New York Freedom Rally shared additional media:

Worldwide Freedom Rally demonstrations took place in cities around the world on Saturday.

Footage shows protests in cities such as Vienna, Melbourne, and Calgary.

Don’t expect the globalist-controlled mainstream media to cover any of these protests.


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