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Why Is Rianna Grabbing Her Crotch and Butt and Then Smelling Her Fingers?


This will probably be my last post on the SuperBowl or the Halftime Show, but I can’t let this go without covering it.

The Halftime Show was awful…

Both on a musical level, an entertainment level, a good/evil level, you name it, it sucked!

But amidst all the terrible things, there’s one thing that isn’t getting nearly enough coverage.

And that’s Rianna grabbing her Crotch and Butt and then smelling her fingers.

Yes, really.

It would be hilarious if it weren’t so sad.

Hey Rianna, you’re putting on a performance on the most watched event of the entire year….maybe best to not channel your inner Mary Catherine Gallagher?

I mean, for real….who thought this was a good idea?

Just watch for yourself:

I do NOT think this is what Trump meant by “grab them by the p***y”:

It’s not cool…

It’s not artistic…

It’s not edgy…

It’s gross:

And here’s the one no one is talking about….

Grabbing her butt-cheek, acting like she farted, and then wafting the fart behind her.

THIS is somehow entertainment?

It’s juvenile and my 7th grader thinks that is lame!

From the NY Post, not only was she GROSS and FOUL but she did the worst lip-sync since Milli Vanilli:

Not everyone was impressed with Rihanna’s electrifying performance at Super Bowl LVII halfway through the action-packed game between the Philadelphia Eagles and Kansas City Chiefs at the State Farm Stadium in Arizona.

Many social media watchdogs are accusing the Barbadian pop icon of “lip-syncing” her way through the show with some calling it the “worst ever” infraction in the history of halftime shows.

Despite not doing a solo live performance since 2016, Rihanna didn’t seem to miss a beat, cycling through a medley of her greatest hits from “Umbrella” to “Work” in just 13 minutes. If that wasn’t impressive enough, the “We Found Love” singer announced she is pregnant with her second child, holding her belly during the show.

She was subsequently praised by fans online with some claiming she’d made a “powerful statement” for women around the world.

Unfortunately, Rihanna’s impressive rendition of “Umbrella” didn’t stop wannabe music critics from raining on her parade: Many accused the pop star of miming the words along to prerecorded tracks instead of performing them live.

“Amazing how Rihanna is able to keep singing even when she puts the mic aside and doesn’t move her lips at all,” snarked one viewer of her alleged reverse karaoke.

“Too bad Rihanna is lip-syncing,” lamented another along with footage of her cover of Kanye West’s “All of the Lights,” in which her lips and lyrics seem to sync about as well as a kung-fu movie dub.

“You know I love you but that’s the worst lips sinc [sic] ever. OMG,” tweeted another detractor, while one wrote, “Lip-syncing at the Super Bowl should not be allowed.”

It’s not.

As if the crotch and butt moves weren’t enough, that’s just surface level.

Now let’s talk about all the Satanic symbolism:

Another Super Bowl Halftime Ritual?

Here we go again!

In one of the most predictable things to happen each year, we had another Super Bowl which means we had another Super Bowl Halftime Show which means we had another Satanic Ritual.

And predictive programming.

I mean, how obvious can some of this stuff get?

Let’s start with the “white space men”…

Some said they looked like Hazmat suits.

Others said they looks like Space Men with the helmets.

Others said they looked like COVID suits.

Others said the white puffy men reminded them of dozens or hundreds of “white balloons” suddenly appearing in the sky.

Probably all accurate.

They’re always trying to push multiple agendas with these shows.

Then we have the red.

So much red!

Anyone else noticing a trend recently?

Say in the past 2 months?

We had the pyramid.

We had the red cross, upside down red cross…

We had “slaves in COVID suits”:

And here is Rihanna wearing a “control minds” in an upside down cross:

She seems to love the upside down cross!

Here’s another great summary of all the evil things embedded in this ritual errrrrrr I mean “performance”:

I mean, this looks friendly….right?


Here’s a great general breakdown:

And I couldn’t help but have this in the back of my mind the whole time:

Anyone else remember that and think about that during the whole ritual?

In case you haven’t seen this, it’s almost all I could think of:

Pastor Dies And Is SHOCKED At What He Sees In Hell

I don’t cover articles like this too often, but this one really got me.

Believe his story if you want or don’t, that’s not up to me to decide.

It’s just up to me to report.

And now I’m doing my job.

It sounds very real and very authentic to me, and if it’s real then this should be blasted everywhere until everyone has a chance to hear it and change their life.

The Bible has a word for that…it’s called “repent”.

Repent literally means to stop and change the direction you’re going.

Watch this and judge for yourself:

Backup here if needed:

Here’s a quick follow up on a related question:

Really solid teaching!

Here is more from YahooNews:

In 2016, a Michigan-based priest named Gerald Johnson suffered a heart attack. He says he had a near-death experience (NDE) that sent him somewhere he never thought he’d visit: hell.

Recently, Johnson took to TikTok to share the details of his traumatic NDE—far from the kind of warm, bright-light epiphany you might expect to hear from someone who temporarily ventures into the great beyond.

“I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy,” Johnson recounts in the viral video. “I don’t care what he did to me. No one deserves that.”

Johnson says that immediately after his heart attack in February 2016, his spirit left his physical body and went down to hell, entering through “the very center of the Earth.” Though he says “the things I saw there are indescribable,” he did his best.

Johnson claims he saw a man walking on all fours like a dog and getting burned from head to toe:

“His eyes were bulging and worse than that: He was wearing chains on his neck. He was like a hellhound. There was a demon holding the chains.”

Johnson also heard music in hell, including Rihanna’s “Umbrella” and Bobby McFerrin’s “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”—traditionally upbeat tunes. Only this time, demons were singing the songs to “torture” people.

Johnson says his hellacious NDE made him realize he needed to forgive people who had wronged him, instead of hoping for their punishment.

Maybe Johnson’s story sounds far-fetched to you. But scientists say that while many of the most publicized NDEs have a positive spin, negative NDEs certainly occur, too. The experts just aren’t entirely sure how—or why.

Researchers—especially those from the International Association for Near-Death Studies—believe NDEs most likely happen due to a change in blood flow to the brain during sudden life-threatening events, like a heart attack, blunt trauma, or even shock. As your brain starts losing blood and oxygen, the electrical activity within the brain begins to power down. “Like a town that loses power one neighborhood at a time, local regions of the brain go offline one after another,” one expert told Scientific American.

I like this guy, he is really solid!

Here’s a bonus message that seems very timely right now for The Biden:

Ok, and one more on Unforgiveness:


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