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Joe Biden Gets Booed At Laker’s Game


Joe Biden was recently booed at a Los Angeles Lakers basketball game.

The incident occurred after Lebron James broke Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s record of 38,387 points scored.

Biden appeared on the jumbotron and proceeded to congratulate Lebron but the Lakers crowd started to boo Biden as soon as his face came on the screen.

Watch the moment it happened here:

Basketball Insiders had more details to report:

Watch Los Angeles Lakers fans boo President Joe Biden on Arena’s jumbotron during his State of the Union address on Tuesday night. In the Lakers’ 133-130 loss against the Oklahoma City Thunder, LeBron James also became the NBA’s all-time leading scorer.

This was especially fascinating, considering California is a democrat state. Politics aside, America’s favorite pastime is booing the POTUS. Regardless of who gets elected, American citizens understand the tradition of despising politicians from all political parties.

Based on a few NBA betting sites, the Lakers have 12th-best odds to win the championship. A few sportsbooks are giving the Phoenix Suns and Memphis Grizzlies greater odds. Watch the video below.

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The Daily Mail had more details to add:

President Joe Biden has congratulated LeBron James on breaking the NBA’s all-time scoring record, shortly after having wrapped up his own victory speech at the State of the Union address on Tuesday night.

‘LeBron congratulations! With your whole heart and soul, you broke a hallowed record,’ No. 46 said in a personalized message to the LA Lakers superstar after he scored 38 points against the Oklahoma City Thunder to surpass Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s record of 38,387 points.

‘You elevated the game and more than that like Kareem and Bill Russell and others who came before you. You challenged and inspired a nation to do better, do better and live up to our full promise.

‘So keep it going man. Keep the faith and congratulations to you and your wonderful family – your mom, Gloria, your wife, Savannah, and your beautiful children Bronny, Bryce and Zhuri. God bless you all.’


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