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Drag Queen Delivers Sermon As 1,800 Churches Flee UMC


Over 1,800 conservative congregations are planning to disaffilate from the United Methodist Church due to their pushing of LGBT propaganda.

Some have speculated that this “schism” would destabilize the second largest Protestant denomination in the United States.

Just today a video surfaced of a Methodist pastor in full drag giving a sermon.

The cross dressing pastor from Florida who goes by the name of “Penny Cost” had previously come under fire for telling children to become drag queens.

The church’s Pro-Gay stance has caused tensions world wide.

According to a statement from the United Methodist Church, The number of churches leaving is roughly 32% of the conference’s member churches, and they are taking with them about 22% of its overall membership.

In 2019, the UMC voted 438-384 to uphold and strengthen the church’s ban on ordaining LGBTQ clergy and officiating at or hosting same-sex marriages.

Despite that vote many liberal leaders in the UMC continue to defy the rules by commissioning openly gay clergy and officiating same-sex weddings.

Fox News reported that according to Thomas Lambrecht, the vice president of the traditionalist Good News caucus, the liberals in the UMC choose to brake the rules instead of leaving themselves and have become “essentially ungovernable.”

Many congregations that departed joined the conservative Global Methodist Church, which launched on May 1 of last year as a conservative alternative for Methodist churches around the world.

Despite the conservative congregations trying to leave peacefully the UMC has made is expensive and difficult to do so.

The UMC is bankrupting churches by making them pay large apportionments and pension liabilities.

Those liberals in the UMC have been been brazen with their hopes to dismantle the church.

While some congregations have trouble affording to leave the church, a liberal congregation in a Dallas suburb is refusing to pay their dues.

$1,500 was with held by St. Stephen United Methodist Church in protest for the suspension of Gregory S. Neal, a former pastor, who married his much younger fiancé, Kade Rogers, in defiance of official church rules.

The liberal congregation has been staunchly on the left side of the debate,even painting “United” on their own church’s doors.

In 2019 the New York Times tried to claim the victory for strengthening the ban on gay clergy and marriage was due to “improper voting”.


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