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Jail Cells Under The Capitol Building? Now CONFIRMED!


A major story broke recently and almost no one caught it….

Or covered it.

Good thing you have us!

Kash Patel was on with Charlie Kirk recently and suddenly Kash lets slip a big story.

Says it almost as if it’s an after-thought.

He was talking about the Republicans now having control of the House and the Subpoena power that comes with it.

Charlie basically says “so what?  What if they just ignore the subpoenas?”

That’s when Kash drops the bomb:

They will then send the Sergeant at Arms to arrest them!

Ok, says Charlie, but still….then what?

Garland’s DOJ will not help.

That’s fine, says Kash:

They’ll be locked up in the jail cells beneath the Capitol Building!

We had never heard this before!

Charlies eyes got big as saucers….

Mine too.

NATIONAL POLL: Do You Trust Fox News?

Watch the short clip here:

And a backup here on Rumble:

So what do you think?

Are we about to see some fireworks?


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