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This Woman Claims She Grew a Rooster!



I don’t quite know how to go about this article and I tried to sanitize it in the headline, but anyone who grew up on a farm might know what I meant.

This lady below claims she started testosterone and grew a Rooster!


I’ll just let the Hodgetwins explain, because it’s hilarious:

A cock.

She claims she grew a cock!

A wang.

A weenis.

A schlong.

A Johnson!

She claims that via taking testosterone she grew an Egglant! 🍆

Nevermind this is completely anti-science and anti-reality, you just have to love the comedy here!

Which leads to so many other questions…

If you’ve got a Small Rooster, can you just take a shitload of testosterone and grow a large wanker?

Or if you already had a Rooster and you took a ton of testosterone, would you grow a second and third Eggplant?

These are serious questions that we need answered!

And now, on a more serious note, I want to highlight one thing she said…

She reference “cis males”.

And I can’t ever talk about “cis males” without thinking of the in-imitable Norm Macdonald.

Norm was truly one of the greats.

In my mind, there is not a funnier person to ever walk this Earth.

Nor a wittier person.

And years ago, Norm accurately perceived where all this was going.

In exactly 37 seconds, he eviscerated the “cis male” narrative.

Just watch:

NATIONAL POLL: Do You Trust Fox News?

Nailed it.

“Cis” is just a term they use to marginalize normal people.

Norm, you win the century.

We miss you so much.

Ok, ok…

One more Norm clip while we’re on the topic:


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