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UK Woman Arrested for ‘Thought Crime’ of Praying Outside of Abortion Clinic


Authorities arrested a pro-life woman for silently praying outside an abortion clinic in the United Kingdom.


According to Daily Signal reporter Mary Margaret Olohan, Isabel Vaughn Spruce was charged with breaking a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for praying silently nearby an abortion facility in Kings Norton, Birmingham, on four occasions.

The Daily Signal reported:

Footage published by Alliance Defending Freedom shows police confronting Spruce, who has been charged with breaking a Public Space Protection Order for praying silently near an abortion clinic on four different occasions in Kings Norton, Birmingham.

The woman stands silently praying as the police approach her and ask what she is doing, after which she tells them that she “might” be praying in her head.

“Are you praying?” He asks her.

“I might be praying in my head,” she responds.

The police then search her, arrest her, take her to a police station where they interrogate her, and charge her with breaking the Public Space Protection Order by silently praying.

“No citizen should be criminalised for legitimate, peaceful activity, even prayer. Isabel’s case demonstrates just how far the state can go if we do not vigilantly guard fundamental rights and freedoms,” Scottish communications officer for ADF UK Lois McLatchie said in a statement.

“Politicians in Westminster and Holyrood should take note as they consider rolling out this censorial measure nationwide—if we truly value civil liberties and fundamental rights it should unfathomable for the law to permit a repeat of Isabel’s experience, let alone endorsed by our elected representatives and rolled out nationally.”


ADF UK shared Isabel’s story:

Meet the charity worker arrested and charged on four counts for silent prayer “thought crime” near an abortion facility.

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In November 2022, Police approached Isabel Vaughan-Spruce standing near the BPAS Robert Clinic in Kings Norton, Birmingham.

Vaughan-Spruce was not protesting. She wasn’t carrying a sign or engaging with anyone. She was completely silent, until approached by officers who had received complaints that she may be praying silently in her mind. 

While harassment is already illegal, the censorship zone measure introduced by Birmingham authorities criminalises individuals perceived to be “engaging in any act of approval or disapproval or attempted act of approval or disapproval” in relation to abortion, including through “verbal or written means, prayer or counselling…”

Isabel’s physical presence in the public space protection order (PSPO) area wasn’t a crime in itself; it was the contents of her private thoughts that were prohibited. If Isabel had stood in the same place thinking about another topic, she would not have been arrested.

Isabel is currently out on bail, with police-imposed restrictions including a restriction on even attending the PSPO area, stating that this is necessary to prevent further offences.



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