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Elon Musk Puts Schumer and McConnell On Blast!


Elon Musk is truly the hero we don’t deserve, but the hero we need!

I believe the founding of this country was a holy moment…

Ordained by God and protected and orchestrated by his providence.

And at the time it was thought that a representative Democracy, a “Democratic Republic”, would be the best form of Government to protect against corruption.

A direct Democracy could lead to the people simply voting themselves any benefit they wanted.

And the implosion of the country would soon follow.

So the idea that we would vote to elect leaders — Representatives — who would be work in the best interest of the people and be held accountable to them, would be the best system.

Except….what happens when those 535 people become corrupted?

Perhaps we turn back to the will of the people?

A direct vote?

That seems to be what Elon Musk is showing us and it’s incredible!

Yesterday, Elon Musk asked his 1+ million followers to vote on whether or not we wanted the $1.7T Omnibus spending bill:

Turns out we didn’t!

By a margin of 71% to 28%, Americans said NO!

Actually, more like HELL NO!

The will of the people was seen loud and clear.

And yet, what will CONgress do?

Push it through anyway.


Because they get kickbacks!

Because….10% for the Big Guy!

SIGN THE PETITION: Release The Epstein Client List!

Because almost everyone is CONgress is a multi-multi-millionaire somehow — on a $170,000 salary.

Explain that.

So Elon Musk not only took a poll and proved it was not wanted but then he put Sen. Schumer and Sen. McConnell on direct notice:

I love what Elon is doing….

It’s going to take a lot more work to truly Drain The Swamp, but this is helping!


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