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BREAKING: Another Big Time Actor Has a Red-Pill Moment!


It turns out even Hollywood leftists aren’t a total lost cause!

Actor Tim Robbins shocked a lot of people when he did an interview on Russell Brand’s podcast.

The two discussed the politicization of COVID-19, and Robbins admitted that he regretted having “bought into” what the media was saying about the pandemic.

“I bought into it…  I was masking everywhere. I was keeping my social distance. I was adhering to the requests made of me, and I felt angry at people that didn’t do that,” Robbins said to Brand.

Robbins expressed regret over his initial reaction, and he was critical of the media for demonizing the unvaccinated.

Robbins called the rhetoric used against unvaccinated people “incredibly dangerous.”

The Blaze reports on this stunning admission from Tim Robbins:

Leftist actor Tim Robbins appeared on British comedian Russell Brand’s podcast this week to retroactively denounce the politicization of health policies during the pandemic and to express remorse about his uncritical acceptance of the media’s COVID-19 narrative.

In the Dec. 18 episode of Brand’s podcast, Robbins, an Academy Award-winning actor, explained his journey from strict compliance with government edicts early in the pandemic to one of doubt about the inerrancy of so-called health experts and the official narrative constructed around COVID-19, vaccination, lockdowns, and masking.

Despite having initially “bought into it” and “adhering to the requests” made of him, Robbins explained that his real-life encounters were ultimately at odds with what he had otherwise been told about the pandemic, anti-lockdown protesters, and the unvaccinated. This generated a sense of cognitive dissonance, prompting him to doubt the official narrative.

Check out part of the interview:

ZeroHedge has more:

With multiple peer-reviewed studies showing the potential danger from autoimmune side effects associated with covid mRNA vaccines (the more doses the higher the risk) , along with numerous studies debunking the notion that lockdowns, mandates and masks are effective at stopping the spread of the virus, more and more public figures are beginning to speak out about their initial support of the authoritarian measures.

Actor Tim Robbins recently expressed his regret on Russell Brand’s podcast for blindly following government mandates and he admonished tyrannical attitudes that led lockdown supporters to call for the deaths of their political opponents.

Here is Russell Brand’s full interview with Tim Robbins:

A Hollywood leftist admits he was wrong about the COVID-19 pandemic?!

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Seriously though, good for Tim Robbins for being brave enough to own up to this.

Hopefully he can pave the way for more people to do the same.


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