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Lost Your Sense of Taste or Smell? This (Cheap) Trick Might Get It Back!


No, this isn’t an ad.

No, I don’t earn any commissions by the sale of nicotine or nicotine gum.

But I had a reader email me this today and then I researched it and I realized I had to pass it on to everyone reading this.

Will it work?

I don’t know, I haven’t personally tested it and I’m not a doctor.

But…I am a reporter.

And I’m here to report there are a LOT of people out there who have claimed that chewing Nicotine Gum for 3-5 days has totally restored their sense of taste and/or smell if lost due to COVID.

So I’m passing it on!

I’d love to hear from you in the comments if this has worked for you….or if you know someone who has tried it.

Take a look:

And there is a bunch more out there!

I just picked a few to share.

I actually am not surprised to hear these reports.

From the very beginning of COVID, there has seemed to have be something about Nicotine that inhibits the virus and it’s effects.

Many reports out there that smokers never got COVID at all.

So I’m not surprised to see this.

It is cheap to try and test out for 3-5 days….just don’t get hooked on nicotine as a result!

Here is a full report we did on the power of nicotine against COVID about a year ago (related to the Snake Venom story):

WATCH THE WATER: My Take On The Viral New Documentary [Review by NOAH]

Roughly yesterday morning, my Inbox started blowing up with people emailing me a video link and saying I “had to” watch it!

First of all, let me say thank you to everyone who sent it to me.

I always love it when you send in something you think we should see.

Sometimes I’ll get 2-3 people sending me the same link, and that usually catches my attention.

This time, it was dozens of people sending it to me.

I’d read one and another one would come in to take it’s place after I finished reading the first email.

This thing was 🚨 RED HOT 🚨 and still is today as I type this.

I’ll give you my thoughts at the end of this article (if you’re curious — scroll down), but first let me introduce you to this video in case you haven’t seen it yet.

Dr. Bryan Ardis sat down with radio host Stew Peters in a stunning interview to discuss Covid-19, Remdesivir, “venom theory,” and much more.

Dr. Ardis gave this preview of “Watch the Water” last week:

Unsurprisingly, the typical media outlets have already branded Dr. Ardis’ interview as the latest outlandish conspiracy theory.

Infowars provided background:

Posted online Monday, the nearly hour-long conversation between Peters and the doctor exposed an important topic that receives little attention.

Essentially, after realizing how odd it was that antivenom medicines like monoclonal antibodies were effectively treating Covid, Dr. Ardis began questioning the narrative that the virus originated from a bat in a Chinese wet market.

“Is Covid a venom, and this is why they don’t want you using monoclonal antibodies?” Dr. Ardis asked.

To answer this question, Dr. Ardis sought out establishment media “fact-checkers” to see if they were attempting to discredit any claims that the source of Covid-19 was a snake and not a bat.

A quick internet search reveals plenty of mainstream media publications admitting at the onset of the Covid outbreak that it may have been derived from snakes.

Scientific American & CNN promoted the snake theory widely at first:

*Source – Infowars*

Cont. from Infowars:

“Every time the snake is mentioned, fact-checkers 1,2,3,4,5,6 constantly fact-check it and spin it to the bats. There is no fact-checking about bats. They keep letting you look at bats,” Dr. Ardis said.

The doctor also claimed that Chinese scientists dismissed the bat theory at the beginning of the Covid outbreak because the type of bats the virus allegedly came from were hibernating at the time.

He also said genetic sequence testing done on sick patients in Wuhan found their genetic sequence matched two snakes, the Chinese Krait and King Cobra, not bats.

A 2021 study also connected the Chinese Krait and King Cobra to the Covid-19 spike protein, stating:

“the discovery of a superantigen-like motif in the S1 Spike protein, as well as two other neurotoxin-like motifs that have peptide similarities to neurotoxins from Ophiophagus (cobra) and Bungarus genera. They conclude that neurotoxin-like motifs are present in SARS-CoV-2 protein products, acting as neurotoxin-like peptides.”

Cont. from Infowars:

Later during the interview, Dr. Ardis touched on the fact that hydroxychloroquine, defamed by the media, has been known to block nicotine receptors in the brainstem from being injured by cobra and viper venom.

Meanwhile, Remdesivir, the drug touted by the medical and media establishments and the only drug approved for human use against Covid in the US, looks shockingly similar to snake venom when stored for medical use.

Under the Emergency Use Authorization for Remdesivir, Dr. Ardis explained that every patient must have their prothrombin time (a measurement judging how long it takes for a clot to form in a blood sample) tested before and during treatment because their blood could start to clot.

Both Remdesivir and King Cobra venom increase prothrombin time in test subjects, and as the doctor noted, a 2021 University of Arizona study examining blood samples from hundreds of people who died after being treated with Remdesivir found the drug raced through their bodies “like venom.”

In the interview, Dr. Ardis theorized the public drinking water supply may be contaminated to spread snake venom to the public.

The theory came after the CDC announced wastewater surveillance is being used to provide an “early warning of COVID-19’s spread in communities.”

“That is completely backwards,” Dr. Ardis said. “If a community has had SARS-CoV-2 go through their body, they already had their symptoms. When they eliminated the virus, supposedly the virus, and it ends up in your wastewater, they no longer have symptoms.”

“They are using the waters systems because they can target certain demographics,” he continued before telling Peters he doesn’t think the people working at local water plants are in on the scheme.

To summarize his theory, Dr. Ardis stated: “They are using Krait venom and Cobra venom, calling it Covid-19, you’re drinking it, it’s getting into your brainstem and it’s paralyzing your diaphragm’s ability to breathe.”

Dr. Ardis touched on the religious angle of a snake’s genes being isolated and then inserted into human DNA around the globe.

“I think this is the plan all along, was to get the serpent’s… the evil one’s DNA into your God-created DNA and they figured out a way to do it through this mRNA technology,” he stated. “They are using mRNA, I believe extracted from the King Cobra venom. I think they want to get that venom inside you and make you a hybrid of Satan, no longer just belonging to God or a creation of God’s.”


Here is the FULL VIDEO via Rumble and then please scroll down below the video to get my thoughts if you’re interested…

It seems to me that about 99% of people who have watched this video are loving it (as judged by how many people emailed it to me).

But I did notice some people are critical or leery of it.

Two guys who I respect a lot, Patel Patriot and Clif High, are both skeptical.

Here’s what Patel Patriot posted yesterday:

Patel cites to Clif High, who wrote this on his Substack:

The Watch The Water “documentary” is being passed around the net like a blunt at a Rastafarian dinner party.

Blunts are good. This ‘documentary’ is not good. In my opinion.

The principal player in this “documentary” is a Dr. Byron Ardis, who is a chiropractor and acupuncturist. This is a problem as the Doctor is touted as a medical doctor and practitioner, yet is not. So there is a presumed layer of ‘credentialism’ on this presentation from the start. The interview does not examine the education (not schooling) that Ardis undertook to be able to make these conclusions. There is no real background on any of the science behind any of the conclusions provided.

Propaganda! was my first impression of this video. The sound track, and the production values reinforced that idea. This movie was NOT made to simply present facts, or an opinion. It was made to SELL an opinion.

To what end? Why do they want to push this view? There is no science provided, just pointers to presumed social engineering and plays for emotionalism based on the viewers’ perspective on current events. In this, it would seem that this effort has been to target a specific demographic of people. Thus the tentative conclusion is that the producers of this video are working an agenda.

Yes, Remdesivir is a shit drug with a tainted history & not good results. Yes, the hospital protocols are killing people. This was known. The video sheds NO new light on any of this, but rather uses these as hooks for engagement with the rest of the material presented which is ALL about snakes & snake venom. All this material is based on assertions, not evidence, that Ardis makes as claims. He provides no evidence, but rather states his conclusions made with medical jargon laden descriptions, none of which are backed up, merely asserted as factual.

Mushrooms and venom of all kinds are two of THE MOST STUDIED biochemical compounds on the planet as they are also THE most reactive within human biochemistry. So it is natural that one may find either, or both, medicinal mushrooms, or venom, employed in almost ANY given medical procedure. There are quite actually THOUSANDS of medical treatments based on venom peptides. As far back as 2200 years ago, the Yellow Emperor’s Medicinal Compendium from China notes the effectiveness of dried venom from snakes as well as snails and sea creatures for medicinal use.

Pick almost ANY medical condition, research into the approaches by all of medicine practitioners going back in time, and you will run into Snakes. Yep, sure and certain. There is a snake down there somewhere.

Ardis doesn’t bring any of this up. Maybe it is because, as a chiropractor, he is basically ignorant of medicinal history. Or maybe he wanted to present this information as though it was ALL targeted to covid. Maybe his goal is to push the idea that ALL the snake stuff was JUST for covid. Maybe he & the video want to use your lack of knowledge about how wide spread venom is within biochemical processes for developing medicines in order to slant the information to present a specific agenda. Maybe?

Maybe it is all clickbait at some level. Maybe the whole agenda behind the video is to warp the understanding of a particular segment of the population in order to further the policy agenda evident in covid. The Deep State does this you know. They deliberately pollute the information stream of the opposition in order to come back later to harvest confusion and sew doubt. It is a tactic in information wars.

It would be interesting to view a body language break-down of this video. There is disharmony being expressed between the words, and the face/gestures. This disharmony further degrades confidence in the presentation.

IMO this video is SO much a propaganda piece, that it begs the question of Who is trying to sell What to Whom and for What tactical reason?

One last point. Venom is highly reactive. This basically means that there are parts of all enzymes that will want to bond with elements (usually oxygen, but also chlorine and others) that will reduce its electrical potential. That is to say, make it more ‘relaxed’ and far less reactive. Thus the idea of dumping any venom, snake or other critter, into a water system is silly. Venom would encounter vast amounts of oxygen, chlorine and all the other chemicals currently polluting the planet. It would be very very unlikely that the venom would survive in a reactive state that would be able to injure your body. And, if the venom was made into a more water stable product, by that very process, it would no longer be reactive enough to cause harm.

Clif is one smart guy, and someone we’ve covered many times here at WeLoveTrump before.

I have a great deal of respect for Clif’s opinion and his research methods and data.

So I present his take for what it’s worth.

Ok, so what’s my take on all of it?

First, I wanted to take my time to watch it and let it sink in.

And watch the dust settle, so I didn’t want to rush to post a knee-jerk reaction yesterday.

Let’s start with the fact that Dr. Ardis is a chiropractor and not an MD.

Personally, I don’t have a problem with that.

I have a good deal of respect for chiros and I don’t happen to think of them as quacks walking around a mall with their skeleton on wheels trying to crack people.

Did you know their level of education actually exceeds that of an M.D. in class hours and courses of study?

It’s true, take a look:

Not only that, but the last two really tells it all for me…

Chiros have additional training in things that promote your body’s ability to heal itself (the way God made it — image that), while MD’s get extra training in Big Pharma.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti-doctor but I think chiros get a bad wrap.

Next, I have to comment on Stew Peters…

I have to confess, I haven’t watched much of his show, but as I watched this one thing jumped out at me: he sounds EXACTLY like Tucker Carlson.

Anyone else noticed that?

Listen again.

His pacing and style of talking is so similar to Tucker I have to imagine he’s studied Tucker and tried to mimic him.

It’s not a good or bad thing, I just found it stunning as I listened.

Stew….anytime Tucker is on vacation, you could fill in and most people may not even know there was a guest host!

Ok, now let’s dig in a bit to the meat of the matter.

I’ll cut right to the chase: I have no idea if Dr. Ardis is right or not.

I do know this…I don’t trust anything from BigPharma, from the CDC, from Fraudci, from the NIH, from the World Health Organization or from any other groups like this.

So the portions of the theory that highlight times when these organizations have tried to steer the narrative away from snakes, away from snake venom, away from Nicotine, etc., do hold water for me (sorry for the pun).

I have also always been fascinated that the Snake is universally known as representing Evil and what is the universal symbol for medicine?

Two snakes wrapped around a pole.

Anyone else ever found that odd?

I also know there have been many parts of the COVID story that have just never made sense.

I’m not a doctor, but on a common sense level, there have been so many things that just didn’t fit what they were telling us was the case.

Does a snake venom story clear up some of those holes?  I don’t know for sure.

Last, I do share some of the same concerns that Clif has about this just being a “dog whistle” for the Q community and designed to make patriots look like fools.

Is that the case?  I’m not sure.

Is Dr. Ardis correct here?  I’m not sure.

Bottom line for me: I’m keeping an open mind here.

“Watch The Water” was one of the earliest Q drops and has not yet been fully explained what it means.  Is this it?  Only time will tell.

Until then, I’m cautiously open-minded about this theory and I thank Dr. Ardis for putting it out there.

I’m curious most of all to know what you think…

Want to do more?

SPECIAL REPORT! What Can You Do If You Took The Poison Vaxx And Now Regret It?

I had a good friend back on my show today…

Chris Burres from C60 Evo.

Have you heard about C60?

If not, you need to listen to this…

Because it’s pretty incredible, and in light of everything we are fighting (COVID, vaxx, poison jabb, on and on) we need every advantage we can get to keep our health strong…and clean!

Before we go any further, let me give you my standard disclaimer:

I am not a doctor.  I’m not giving medical advice.  I’m not claiming I can treat or cure any medical disease.  

There, we good?

We on the same page?

I am a reporter and an investigator and I love interviewing smart people.  Interesting people.  People who have something that can help the world!

Ok, let’s continue….

Because I’m very excited to share this with you and I think it might help a lot of people.

I want to talk about the poison vaxx and it’s damaging effects….

I know many people were forced into taking it.

Threatened with the loss of their jobs….

Shamed into taking it…

Bribed into taking it….

Conned into thinking you had to take it to “help Grandma”.

Whatever the case, millions of people now regret it and they want it OUT of their body!

I can’t guarantee results, but after talking with Chris Burres at C60 Evo I am so encouraged about what this might do for you.

We talked about how similar it is to Glutathione and how it removes free radicals and bad actors from your body.

Want to remove graphine?

Want to remove poison nano-particles?

Give your body a fighting chance!

I’ll let Burres explain in his own words…

Watch here on Rumble:

ESS60: The Secret To Overcoming The Poison Vaxx?

Visit 👉
✅ Promo code EVNOAH to save 10%

Check out the testimonials too:

There are a ton on the website, read them here:

And that’s not even to mention the Hair Restoration Product they just launched!

I love C60 and I personally take it every day.

Here’s more about why:

EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Is C60 Your “Secret Weapon” To Staying Healthy?

Hi friends, Noah here with a Special Report!

I want to take a moment to break from the news and talk about something that is vitally important:  your “vitals”!

Your health is something that is more important now than ever before, so I had Chris Burres from C60 Evo back on my show to talk about what I’m calling the “secret weapon” to staying healthy.

Why secret?

Because most people have never heard about C60, but it’s the real deal….that is, if you consider winning a “Nobel Prize” the real deal.

Not a bad thing to have on your resume!

I had Burres on my show a few months ago and I received so many questions for him about C60 that I had to get him back on and go through all of them.

Now is NOT the time to take chances with your health….I think we can all agree on that, right?

So if some of these questions sound familiar, it might be because they came from you!

Before we go to the interview, let me give you a little more background….

First, let me give you my disclaimer: I’m not a doctor and I’m not giving you medical advice.  I’m not telling you this is going to treat or cure any condition you have.  I’m just telling you what I have personally experienced. Consult your own doctor before taking any vitamin, mineral, supplement or medicine.

Because I have been taking C60 for over a year now and I love it!

In fact, the only reason I ever connected with Burres in the first place is because I was such a fan of their product that I contacted them and asked if there was any way I could get them on the show!

And they were gracious enough to give their time (twice now) to come on and chat with me.

So let me talk to you for a bit about my personal experience with C60 over the past year and why I think it’s so vital to keeping my immune system at FULL STRENGTH….

C60 is a powerful antioxidant often described as the “perfect carbon molecule”.

It’s an antioxidant that has been measured to be 172x more powerful than Vitamin C!  How about that?

No, it’s not actually “Vitamin C” itself, it just has 172 times the antioxidant power of Vitamin C, and that’s a big deal!

That’s like, 172 oranges!

You can’t eat 172 oranges, but you can protect and strengthen your body!

Not only is it an antioxidant, but it’s an anti-viral and an anti-bacterial and an anti-inflammatory.

I’ll tell you one thing….ever since I saw the Deep State going after Carbon and trying to tax carbon emissions with their Al-Gore Carbon Tax, I immediately knew one thing:  I bet Carbon is actually pretty good for you!

Turns out I was right.

Especially the Carbon-60 “perfect carbon molecule.”

So once I learned more about it, I then set out to find where to buy it from the most reputable company.

I found there are a lot of companies selling C60 that might actually be bad for you and toxic (not fit for human consumption!), so I found the one that has the highest standards and safest, most continually-tested product out there….and that was C60 Evo.

I’ve been personally taking C60 for over a year and feel amazing so in light of all the health issues plaguing our nation right now, I decided I’d have one of its founders, Chris Burres, back on my show.

We kept this interview a little shorter so listen closely as we move FAST through a ton of details.

If you’re ready to:

👉 Get better, deep and restful sleep….

👉 Have more energy during the day…

👉 Experience less negative effects after drinking alcohol…

👉 Keep your immune system in prime condition…

….then you need to hear this interview.

Watch right here from Rumble:

To visit their website go to 👉

Use promo code EVNOAH to save 10%.

Backup here on YouTube:

To visit their website go to 👉

Use promo code EVNOAH to save 10%.

Now….want even more on an immune-boosting health plan?

Look no further than my friend Clif High.

Clif has routinely promoted C60 in the past and here is even more of what he recommends.

Take a look:

If that Tweet gets taken down, here is a screenshot of what he posted:

I’m going to give you my disclaimer once again…..

DISCLAIMER: I’m not a doctor and I don’t practice medicine.

And neither is Clif!

Neither of us is giving you medical advice.  NOTHING in this article is medical advice.



I’m just reporting on what others have said.

But let’s be honest….I think I can probably do better than the “doctors” like Dr. Fraudci, Dr. Birxx who lie to you and serve you up a big heaping pile of propaganda!

You can probably take whatever they tell you to do and just do the opposite and you’d probably be pretty close to an ideal course of action!

So no, I’m not a doctor, but if being a doctor puts you in the same class as Dr. FRAUDci, then I take not being a doctor as a badge of honor.

I’m a reporter.

I simply report what I hear and see from others.

To paraphrase a once great network: I report, you decide!

But what I can report is that it sure looks like some very basic stuff can drastically help you recover and protect your body going forward!

Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Chaga Mushroom Tea, C60, and of course hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin may be highly effective!

If you scroll down, I have links for you.

And let’s consider the worst case scenario…..taking more vitamins is almost never a bad thing, right?

Your body needs them regardless of what virus is floating around out there.

As long as you don’t take too much of the fat-soluble vitamins, it’s almost NEVER a bad thing to give your body more vitamins.

Now let me give you a little more background on Clif and why he’s making these recommendations….

Watch this video where Clif High explains what the spike protein is actually doing to your body, why it is definitely a bio-weapon, and how each of the items listed above can help:

Here is one more where he goes into even more detail and in this one he talks about the power of C60 and why you need to get some!

Ever since you were a kid, you were told to get your vitamins!

It’s basic advice that was good then and is still good now!

You need large doses of the right kind of Vitamin C, 10-15,000 IU’s of Vitamin D to maintain certain blood levels, and then Clif recommends C60 too.

Watch the interview here from Rumble (they discuss it in the first 10 minutes) and then scroll down for links to where you can get the best of each item:

If you want to follow Clif’s advice, here are some links to the products I like to use.

Unfortunately, I can’t give you a link to NAC on Amazon because Amazon banned it.

One of the oldest and most trusted supplements in the bodybuilding industry and Amazon suddenly banned it right now.


So we go with the rest of the list….

First is Glutathione:

You want to get “Liposomal” Vitamin C, very important.

And in case that sells out, which tends to happen, this is another good Liposomal Vitamin C:

Now on to Vitamin D.

Here is my current favorite and the one I personally take:

And a backup Vitamin D3:

And Chaga Mushroom Tea:

And here is the Zinc Balance:

And we end with C60.

As I mentioned above, I’ve been personally taking C60 for over a year and I have not came down with COVID.  Not saying it treats or prevents COVID, I’m just saying my experience.

Regardless of COVID, I love taking it and have noticed multiple benefits.

Here’s what many people have reported:

C60 is a powerful antioxidant (172x the power of Vitamin C), antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.  

I liked it so much I actually contacted the company and got everyone who is reading this a deal.

The company is called C60Evo.

Go to their website here and then be sure to use promo code EVNOAH and you’ll get 10% off your order!

I love this stuff and I think you will too.

Cheers to good health and a big thank you to Clif High for putting out this information!

No, I’m not promising you won’t get COVID, but I am saying that TAKING YOUR VITAMINS and powerful ANTIOXIDANTS is a good idea!

Be smart.

Be safe.

Be healthy!


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