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FREAK SCIENCE? Did Elon Musk Torture and Kill 23 Monkeys?


Ok folks, this is a wild one.

Elon Musk a polarizing figure.

I know half of you love him and half of you don’t trust him farther than you could throw him.

I come down somewhere in the middle….but I LOVE what he’s doing on Twitter for Free Speech.

I find him endlessly fascinating and I want to believe he’s a white hat, but I understand his links to Space (fake?) to Green Energy (hello AOC!) to mind control chips (hello Revelation!) and so many more things make him questionable.

I will also say this: don’t hate on a Tesla until you’ve driven one.

Put simply: they are incredible!

So I’m not one of these people that hates on all Tesla owners.

Sorry folks, can’t do it.

Driving a Tesla is a FUN experience.

No, I don’t think I’m saving the world driving one but I also am not going to say anyone who drives a Tesla is evil.

So that’s where I come down on Musk.

But our mission here at WeLoveTrump has always been to print the truth.

Since Day 1, that’s our primary driving force.

So whether I like or dislike Elon Musk, I have to print this story.

And the story is extremely troubling.

Here’s the essence of it:

Many people are claiming, and it appears to be nearly confirmed, that Elon Musk’s Neuralink company has “tortured and killed” at least 23 monkeys in their efforts to place a computer chip in the brain.

Take a look:

If you know me at all, you know I am probably not aligned much, if at all, with PETA.

I’m not an PETA freak.

I love HUMANS over Animals.

Yeah, I said it.

But I’m not heartless.

I don’t want to see animals suffer….who would?

So this story does trouble me.

People are suing to have the pictures of the tortured animals released:

From DailyClout:

While Elon Musk’s brain-tech company Neuralink may have left its days of conducting painful experiments on monkeys in taxpayer-funded facilities well behind it, its animal research program is now in-house. A lofty animal welfare statement sits at the top of the company’s blog, and a few rounds of PR showing how enriching Neuralink facilities are for pigs and monkeys seems to distract from the fact that these animals’ brains will soon have electrodes implanted in them.

All of this has been paving the way to developing a brain-machine interface that Neuralink claims would help people suffering from paralysis regain independence. The research started in 2017 and was initially conducted at the California National Primate Research Center (CNPRC) at UC Davis and paid for by Neuralink.

Last year, a public records request– resulting in the disclosure of 600 pages of documents– was followed by a legal complaint alleging eight violations of the Animal Welfare Act. The documents detailed the procedure wherein portions of monkeys’ skulls were removed and electrodes inserted, as well as other varying circumstances that resulted in the deaths of 15 monkeys.

Photo and video records of the research were not disclosed and an ongoing public records lawsuit aims to compel their release to keep this research from being swept under the rug (and scrubbed from Neuralink’s history). In May of 2021, doctor’s group Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) sued UC Davis for refusing to release the photo and video records.

Last week, the firm representing UC Davis responded to a request for a Vaughn Index (a legal document describing withheld records and grounds for non-disclosure). I was provided a copy of this Index from PCRM. The Index outlines two sets of photos related to the Neuralink/CNPRC research.

The first set of 185 photos pertains to necropsy (autopsy) reports. They are used to assist pathologists in preparing said reports, and to “inform future research and clinical practices.” The Index also indicates that they are the photographic equivalent to note-taking and are not intended for public disclosure.

Among the reasons for non-disclosure of this set are concerns that without the contextual facts, the photos would be misinterpreted by the public. This implies that any objections to the content of the images would be misinformed and out of context. To the contrary, it’s possible (and legitimate) that the public would ingest the images with proper context and still have objections. PCRM research advocacy director Ryan Merkley puts it this way: “UC Davis thinks the public is too stupid to know what they’re looking at.”

Additionally, the Index argues that due to the graphic nature of the photos, their release could result in harassment of the researchers involved in the project– this risk alone would have a “chilling effect on future research.” The Index says:

“The interest in protecting the safety of public employees and ensuring research that benefits the public can proceed without risk of violence clearly outweighs the public’s interest in viewing said photographs.”

In this case, the public’s interest in seeing the photos would be transparency into the activities performed by a taxpayer-funded institute. Further downstream, an informed electorate could engage with lawmakers to enact changes to the functions performed by institutes funded by their tax dollars. But the public cannot make this calculation in the dark.

The ‘risk of violence’ rationale on its face contains an uncomfortable admission: that the activities this research involved were deleterious enough to potentially result in violence and harassment. No serious, ethical person would endorse violent backlash against CNPRC or Neuralink lab workers. But the refusal to release the images speaks volumes. If the public requested images of an innocuous activity, such as a custodian mopping the floors of CNPRC, there would be no secrecy or litigation. Similarly, Neuralink conspicuously publishes images and videos of monkeys and pigs playing in their childlike enclosures, but nothing of the surgical procedure for which the animals are confined at Neuralink to begin with.

The second set of 186 images pertains to the actual research conducted on monkeys for Neuralink. Revealed in the written records of this research were details of infections, seizures, distress, and the harmful and hazardous misuse of a product called BioGlue (see page 4 here), which caused bleeding in one monkey’s brain and vomiting to the point of developing open sores in her esophagus.

In addition, these photos are of particular interest in constructing a fuller picture of what the primates endured. However, the Index notes that these images are “proprietary,” depicting research that was done using Neuralink “proprietary devices,” and are therefore the property of Neuralink. Moreover, the Index argues that “there would be a chilling impact on public-private partnerships if a private company’s proprietary, protected research was subject to disclosure simply by virtue of its relationship with a public institution.”

This is extremely troubling.


From MSN:

In a press release, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) advocacy group said that it had learned that the University of California, Davis is in possession of 371 photos of the experimented-upon monkeys that were subjected to Neuralink tests, which took place at the school’s veterinary lab facilities.

Earlier this year, Neuralink admitted that a fifth of the 23 rhesus macaques monkeys it used to test its brain-hacking implants had been euthanized after developing infections and malfunctions. Bolstering PCRM’s credibility, that admission came in the wake of its a complaint it filed against Neuralink.

Now, PCRM says it learned that UC Davis is in possession of the hundreds of photos depicting, among other things, “necropsies of animals killed” in the experiments after filing a lawsuit against the school in February over its shielding of the photos, which the university argues are “proprietary.”

“UC Davis thinks the public is too stupid to know what they’re looking at,” Physicians Committee research director Ryan Merkley said in the press release. “But it’s clear the university is simply trying to hide from taxpayers the fact that it partnered with Elon Musk to conduct experiments in which animals suffered and died.”

And from YahooNews:

The post “Extreme Suffering”: 15 of 23 Monkeys with Elon Musk’s Neuralink Brain Chips Reportedly Died appeared first on Consequence.

Out of a total of 23 monkeys implanted with Elon Musk’s Neuralink brain chips at the University of California Davis between 2017 and 2020, at least 15 reportedly died.

Via Business Insider and the New York Post, the news comes from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, an animal-rights group that viewed over 700 pages of documents, veterinary records, and necropsy reports through a public records request at the university.

Neuralink was founded in 2016 with a goal of helping people recover from traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries, curing depression and other mental health disorders, and connecting humans to the internet for everything from music streaming to near-telepathic communication. The company has often touted its successes, such as a demonstration on a pig in 2020, and a 2021 video of a macaque playing Pong with its mind.

The project has attracted a great deal of interest from celebrities like Grimes and Lil Uzi Vert, and people suffering from paralysis often petition Musk on social media to be a part of human trials. Musk previously said that he hoped to begin human trials in 2021, but that goal has been pushed back to 2022. Based on the PCRM’s findings, the brain chips may be nowhere near ready.

“Pretty much every single monkey that had had implants put in their head suffered from pretty debilitating health effects,” said the PCRM’s research advocacy director Jeremy Beckham. “They were, frankly, maiming and killing the animals.”

Neuralink chips were implanted by drilling holes into the monkeys’ skulls. One primate developed a bloody skin infection and had to be euthanized. Another was discovered missing fingers and toes, “possibly from self-mutilation or some other unspecified trauma,” and had to be put down. A third began uncontrollably vomiting shortly after surgery, and days later “appeared to collapse from exhaustion/fatigue.” An autopsy revealed the animal suffered from a brain hemorrhage.

And one more….

This from the NY Post:

Neuralink’s brain chips — which Musk claims will one day make humans hyper-intelligent and let paralyzed people walk again — were implanted in monkeys’ brains during a series of tests at the University of California, Davis from 2017 to 2020, according to a compliant from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine filed with the the US Department of Agriculture on Thursday.

In one example, a monkey was allegedly found missing some of its fingers and toes “possibly from self-mutilation or some other unspecified trauma.” The monkey was later killed during a “terminal procedure,” the group said in a copy of the complaint shared with The Post.

In another case, a monkey had holes drilled in its skull and electrodes implanted into its brain, then allegedly developed a bloody skin infection and had to be euthanized, according to the complaint.

In a third instance, a female macaque monkey had electrodes implanted into its brain, then was overcome with vomiting, retching and gasping. Days later, researchers wrote that the animal “appeared to collapse from exhaustion/fatigue” and was subsequently euthanized. An autopsy then showed the monkey had suffered from a brain hemorrhage, according to the report.

The experiments involved 23 monkeys in all. At least 15 of them died or were euthanized by 2020, according to the group, which based the report on records released through California’s open records law.

“Pretty much every single monkey that had had implants put in their head suffered from pretty debilitating health effects,” Jeremy Beckham, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine’s research advocacy director, told The Post. “They were, frankly, maiming and killing the animals.”

The macabre report comes as Neuralink plans to begin its first human tests. Musk said in December that he wants to start human trials for the devices in 2022 and the company posted a job listing for a clinical trial director this January.

The group behind the report, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, advocates for veganism and alternatives to animal testing — positions that have sometimes put the group at odds with the American Medical Association. It has also previously received funding from controversial animal rights group PETA, The Guardian reported.

The group doesn’t currently have “any relationship with PETA” but sometimes works on overlapping issues, Beckham said.

The organization is accusing Neuralink and UC Davis of nine violations of the federal Animal Welfare Act — a federal measure designed to reduce suffering during animal experiments.

“Many, if not all, of the monkeys experienced extreme suffering as a result of inadequate animal care and the highly invasive experimental head implants during the experiments, which were performed in pursuit of developing what Neuralink and Elon Musk have publicly described as a ‘brain-machine interface,’” the group wrote in its complaint to the USDA.

“These highly invasive implants and their associated hardware, which are inserted in the brain after drilling holes in the animals’ skulls, have produced recurring infections in the animals, significantly compromising their health, as well as the integrity of the research.”

The group is also suing UC Davis in an attempt to make them release more photos, videos and information about the monkeys under California’s public records laws.

The alleged abuses come in stark contrast to publicly shared materials from Neuralink. In a video posted on YouTube last April, the company showed a healthy and happy-seeming monkey playing the video game Pong with its brain.

So….what do you think?

Elon was also in the news recently related to Rumble….

Would you like to see Elon team up with the free speech alternative?

Again…white hat or bad guy?

Hard to tell.

Read more here:

Elon Musk To Rumble: “Let’s Talk”

Well, this is certainly interesting!

Yesterday, we brought you the news that Russell Brand was struck down by YouTube.


Given a strike.

Details here:

MAX CENSORSHIP: YouTube Just Struck Down Russell Brand!

Of course, YouTube can't really say what he did wrong and it's just a big coincidence that the strike appears right before he launches a new show on Rumble.

Why is YouTube so scared?

And here's the irony of it all...

If YouTube had simply allowed free speech and not started banning everyone, they'd still have a monopoly and Rumble would not even exist!

Go back and read that last sentence again, it's 100% true!

They shot themselves in their own foot.

But now I want to advance the story because this is where it gets really interesting.

Is Elon Musk about to enter the scene?

He's already in the process of buying Twitter (which I've been on record as saying still goes through and you're currently just witnessing a big show in the meantime)...

And while he's messing with Twitter is he about to get into the YouTube/Rumble brawl too?


Let me bring you up to speed...

So it starts with Russell Brand's tweet below making the announcement he's been censored:

Fine, we've all seen that.

But then it gets really interesting.

Elon slides into RB's replies and posts this:

It's always fascinating when Elon just drops into a conversation, and he does it a lot.

So then Dan Bongino jumps in replying to Elon and saying Elon should team up with Rumble:

Elon actually replied!

But it was pretty disappointed.

We've all experienced a "blow off" reply, and that's what Dan got here:

But it didn't end there.

Then Chris Pavovski, the founder of Rumble jumps into the conversation!

He tells Elon he was at SpaceX 12 years ago and he wants to team up:

Elon replies again and this time it's more open:

That is where it stands as of press time for this article.

So...where will this go?

We need free speech on ALL platforms.

I saw a great post the other day that I really loved.

It said:  BAN Banning.

Perfectly said.

Stop banning people.

Let people talk.

Stop removing them from all platforms just because you don't like one thing they said.

If they have a bad idea, let the marketplace tell them that.

Let the idea be vetted by millions of voices and let the good ones rise to the top and the bad ones sink.

That's how America was founded.

Why are these freaks -- the so-called "Elites" -- suddenly so paranoid about people being able to speak freely?

The million dollar question...

Coming from a guy who really does love so much of what Elon does, here's more food for thought:

Elon Musk: White Hat or Very Bad News?

I've been pretty vocal about liking Elon Musk...

But I'm not paid to post feelings, I'm paid to post hard news and investigate all sides of the issue.

Actually, spoiler alert: I'm not paid at all!

I have no salary.

I do this all on my own free will, trying to get the truth out!

Sure, we have ads and partnerships, but I take no money from any group or organization that has any editorial content over anything I write.

I'm my own man, a one man operation.

I write based on two guidelines: (1) is it truthful? and (2) will it help advance our nation and protect those of us who live here with better lives?

And in case you didn't notice, that mission is essentially the polar-opposite of the MSM who take their Talking Points from Big Money Investors.

Not here.

It's just me!

Little old Noah.

Anyway, I digress...

Back to our topic at hand.

I've been open about the fact I like Elon.

I love his cars.

No, I don't have any illusions or misconceptions about thinking I'm saving the planet, I just love the car because it's incredibly well made and actually makes driving fun again!

I love the idea of his Optimus Robot that will soon make redundant housekeeping chores a thing of the past...

I (loved) the idea of going to Space and watching stuff like Star Trek: The Next Generation...

I love a free and open Twitter...

I love that Elon hates the SEC and openly spits in their faces...

I could go on and on.

But now I have to pause and reflect on the other side of the coin.

Because, yes I see it.

So let's take a moment to talk about it.

At the onset, let me just say this: the jury is still out on Elon Musk as far as I'm concerned.

I want him to be a good guy and a white hat.

But I also know the Bible very well when it says the Antichrist will be adored by many.

He will lead the masses.

He will speak elegantly and very persusasively.

Have you ever listened to Elon speak?

It's pretty hypnotizing.

I've watched many of his interviews and it's hard to stop watching....the man truly is fascinating!

So to everyone emailing me and asking if I see the risk -- I do, and I'm watching.

I saw this of course:

That's not good.

The best you can say is it was just a Halloween costume with no thought put into it.

But it's tough to dismiss.

But let's also say this...

Elon Musk has not claimed to be a Christian.

But that also doesn't make him the Antichrist by default either, so have some balance.

Like Trump, imagine if he had a full-blown conversion experience and combined his current intellect and personality and wit and charm with Holy Spirit fueled deutemus power?

Oh my!

But let's keep going....

Yes, on almost any topic Elon seems to be on the wrong side of the equation:

Then there's this:

He loves to joke around, but joking about burning human hair doesn't seem to be very funny?

Maybe I missed the punchline.

Then we have this:

“This is the lovely machine that’s going to put a nice chip in your head.” – Jason Bermas

“In six short hours, this robot kiosk is going to give you brain surgery where it pops a piece of your skull off and weaves neuro-threaded fibers into your brain.” – Jason Bermas

Watch here on Rumble:

So you have the Neurolink, literally putting a chip in your brain.

Elon has all the good sales pitches, making paralyzed people walk again is pretty compelling!

But then there does seem to be that major warning in the Book of Revelation about taking a Mark in your forehead.

Transhumanism...but the promise of curing sicknesses.

Underground tunnels...but the promise of eliminating traffic jams.

Electric cars...but the risk of government clicking the off switch.

Robots make life better....but kill jobs and implement Universal Basic Income.

It's a double-edged sword with Elon anywhere you look!

My friend Christopher Greene at AMTV simplifies it down to this:

Basically, he thinks even a super genius like Elon Musk cannot possibly be running all these companies, so that makes him a front-man for the DS.

He might be right.

In closing, I will just say two things...

ONE: I will reserve judgment and continue to watch, but I see it friends, I see it.  Don't think I've missed the signs.

TWO: I will end with these signs from the mother.

This is Elon Musk's mother and she looks like what you'd get if you asked AI to draw a maternal Illuminati figure:

When you know the symbols, you know this is bad.

Very bad.

And if you don't know the symbols, keep reading and then scroll back up to this:

Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall

Ever wonder why there's a pyramid with the top cut off on every U.S. dollar bill?

Or why famous people constantly cover one eye?

Or why they love to pose with their right hand inside their jacket?

If you don't know what I'm talking about...let me give you an intro right here.

Four examples.

Really simple.

You're going to see the same signs over and over and over in these 4 pictures.

The signs include:

  • The "OK" symbol, which also just happens to create a 6-6-6
  • Covering the mouth (as in, secret society)
  • Shhh finger over the mouth (same)
  • Two fingers or "V" (symbol for Satan)
  • Tongue out (an homage to the Snake from Genesis)
  • Covering one eye or closing one eye (a very weird gesture repeated incessantly by the Elites -- a call out to the "All Seeing Eye" of Horus)
  • One hand inside the jacket

Many times you will see two or more symbols combined at once.

Take a look:


But we're just getting warmed up...

Sure, some of it could be coincidence, but after a while you have to wise up and realize perhaps they don't all just love winking and sticking one hand inside their jacket...

Perhaps it's intentional?

Perhaps it's sending a message?

Because who does that?

WHY would you do that?

Symbolism will be their downfall.

And yes, that's exactly what it was:

Another angle, still shot:

Oh, that you?

And then we have the Devil Horns....

Oh wait, I forgot, these people are all just big Texas Longhorn fans, right?

And covering the one eye:

And here's Jacko doing the one eye:

Who poses like that?

I mean,'s a sign and symbol.

And sadly here is Tom Hanks doing a bunch of "one eye" poses.

Because this is normal?

So sad to see "Hanx" is a part of this garbage:

 And whatever the hell this is:

And how about Disney?

They above all else are STEEPED in these Satanic ritual symbols...

Here's just a few:

We've covered this topic many times before, so if you want more check out these articles where we dive deep:

DNC and RNC Logos Exposed….Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall

And this:

Are Russian Airstrikes Targeting U.S. Bio-Weapons Labs in Ukraine?

And this:

WE INVESTIGATE: Suddenly The 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony Makes a LOT More Sense….

And of course this:

Adrenachrome “Black Eye Club” Finally Exposed In Detail…

The Truth Behind Freemasonry!

Thank you very much to a reader (John, last name withheld for privacy) for sending me this video.

I've posted a lot about the Freemasons here before and I know 90% of you agree with me and about 10% of you get very violently angry when I do.

I know it ruffles some of your feathers.

Some of you who had a grandfather in the Masons or perhaps you yourself were in the Eastern Star.

Sorry, but I don't answer to popular opinion...I answer to truth.  God's truth.

And God's truth says Christianity and Masonry are 100% incompatible!

Like oil and water!

But that's not just me saying it.

I want you to take a look at this new video sent to me by John and I think it will really open some eyes!

I don't agree with everything this guy says (like his description of Martin Luther being an "attack on the Catholic Church" on the same level as Freemasonry), nor do I really ascribe much to the teachings of the Catholic Church (I do NOT support praying to Mary or praying to Angels or any other number of things the Catholic church does) have to recognize and support truth when you find it and this Pastor or Father or Friar or whatever they call themselves really exposes the Masons.

And on that point we are aligned 100%.

Watch here:

But that's just scratching the surface....

I have so much for you so please keep reading.

Here's another brilliant one from Rumble which shows just how deceptive the Masons are and how their teachings and rituals directly contradict Christian teaching:

Want more?

Good, I've got a LOT more!

Have you ever seen a bigger group or D-O-R-K-S in your life than this:

Grange over Sands' Barry Saunders, third from the left, has been installed as master of the Arthur John Brogden Lodge of Freemasons, he was joined by senior masonic figure Phil Gardner, on his right.


Look, losers....playing dress up with your robes and sceptors and your stupid hats is something you should have grown out of when you turned 9.

Oh, in case you haven't figured out yet by this point in the article, I have absolutely no intention of apologizing for my comments.

In fact, we're gonna dig in and I'll explain to you why the Masons are straight from the pit of hell.

Actually, I am going to make one middle ground comment here at the very beginning.

MOST Masons are good people.

Yes, I said it.

MOST Masons have no idea what is going on.

MOST Masons who only get to the first couple of degrees and just treat it as a social fraternity and think they are doing good in their community have no idea about what the Masons truly stand for.

It's kind of like the FBI...

We all know the top of the FBI is rotten as hell, but there are a lot of good men and women in the lower ranks doing their jobs with honor and service to America.

Such is the case with the Masons.

So to everyone who wrote me and said "my dad was in the Masons and he's a great person" or some variation of that email, I get it.

But that EXACTLY their plan.

Their plan is to infiltrate every city across America and make it look like it's such a good and noble organization.

Who could have a problem with the Shriner's Hospital, right?

It's just like the Bible says about Satan...."he masquerades as an Angel of Light."

That's the Masons.

NATIONAL SURVEY: Do You Trust The Freemasons?

On the surface they want you to think they are Christian, but when you dig in you realize it's just surface level stuff....and whole lot of other esoteric and pagan CRAP is mixed in.

They frequently reference the Bible but NEVER Jesus.

That's a major red flag!

Oh, and in case you had any doubt about just how much they have infiltrated society, have you seen this?

Just a coincidence, I'm sure.


Ever wonder about the "G" in their logo?

From Collector's Weekly:

Dating to 18th-century London, Freemasonry is one of the oldest of these operating fraternal orders, although the group’s mythology claims it is rooted in the building of King Solomon’s Temple around 966 B.C. Like many similar groups, the Masons were borne out of a British craft guild, wherein stone layers learned the tricks of the trade.

“The concept of freemasonry, which taught architecture and geometry, goes back thousands of years,” Lettelier says. “The Greek temples, the pyramids in Egypt, you name it—none of that could have been built without a knowledge of mathematics. So whenever you see the square and compass with the letter G in the center, that stands for God or sacred Geometry.

Spoiler alert....when you get to the top 33 degree of Masonry, you find out the "God" is really Satan!

That's why they have no problem saying "God" all the time, it just means something very different to them.

Oh and "sacred Geometry"....if that phrase alone doesn't tell you something is very off with these people, nothing will.

Nowhere in the Bible does it ever refer to "sacred Geometry" fact, the whole phrase and idea is highly blasphemous.

More of their imagery:

Note the triangle is always very prevalent.

The skull and bones.

The single "all seeing" eye.

The white and black floor.

The two pillars.

The white/black, light and dark, "as above, so below" imagery is always prevalent.

Can't you just tell looking at this image something is very "off" about it?  Something demonic?

If you have discernment you can.

Always the white and black checkered floor, a prevalent Masonic symbol:

From Occult World, I don't agree with the Catholics on some things and I really do not like their Pope but they got this right:

The Catholic Church takes the structure of Freemasonry very seriously, forbidding membership by any Catholic. The Vatican issued its first papal condemnation in 1738, decreeing excommunication for any Catholic Freemason. Many Catholics were originally Masons, including Vatican prelates, and church officials often turned a blind eye, especially in England. The Greek Orthodox Church condemned Masonry in 1933 as a heathen mystery religion. Stephen Knight, author of Operative Masonry, claimed that during the ritual for the Holy Royal Arch candidates learn the secret name of God—Jahbulon: Jah for Yahweh, Bul for the Canaanite fertility god Baal, and On for Osiris. Such references, he contended, proved devil worship.

Freemasonry, as well as Rosicrucianism, received a boost in popularity with the 2003 international bestselling novel The Da Vinci Code. Author Dan Brown ties Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry to the legends of the so-called Priory of Sion, a secret order descended from the lost Knights Templar, to prove that Mary Magdalene is the real holy grail.

Do you see how they always blend together some idea from Christianity with something Pagan?

The "secret name" of God is a mix of Yahweh and Baal?  Really?  Blasphemous to the highest degree!

Because some of us are visual learners, I want to show you some videos by a guy who has done an absolutely fantastic job on YouTube exposing the Freemasons.

To everyone who emailed me and told me to "do my research" about the Masons, I have and here you go.

Seriously, these are very good, please watch:

And here is Obama pushing Freemasonry....

What more do you need to know?

Yes, all the groups are bad.

The Freemasons, the Rainbow Girls, Job's Daughters, The DeMolay....

Again, it's just like how Satan has many different names, isn't it?

These groups have dozens of names, but all one evil root.

This next video addresses the people who say "I was in the Masons and nothing bad ever happened" or "a relative of mine was a Mason and he was a good person."

Probably true!

But watch:

And an in-depth investigation.

You want research?

Watch this:

And because those may likely get deleted off YouTube, I've made a backup.

Watch them all here safely on Rumble:

But I want to know what you think.

You've made it all the way to the end, what do you say?

Are the Masons just good parts of our society or a demonic organization?

NATIONAL SURVEY: Do You Trust The Freemasons?


Join the conversation!

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