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Radio Host Who Attacked ‘Anti-Vaxxers’ to Take Hiatus Until 2023 After Heart Attack


A popular radio host in Vancouver, Canada will take a hiatus until 2023 after suffering a heart attack last week.

“Popular Vancouver radio personality Drex will be off the air until next year while he recovers from a heart attack that required emergency surgery,” according to The Province.

From The Province:

Drex was at home watching TV after dinner last Friday when he felt a strange sensation.

“It was really weird. I felt nauseous like I needed to throw up and do a bowel movement at the same time,” he said.

He decided to lie down and crawled to bed. His dog, Andy, would usually crawl in next to him for a cuddle. But this time, his chihuahua stood next to his bed and looked at him as if something was wrong.

Then, the 43-year-old started feeling tightness in his chest as if a heavy weight was crushing his heart. Alarmed, he called his husband, who was at work and wasn’t able to answer. He then called a friend, who told him to hang up immediately and call 911.

Firefighters came to his home in about 10 minutes, Drex said, and paramedics showed up another 10 minutes later. They took him to hospital. In the emergency room, doctors did an EKG and confirmed he was likely having a heart attack.

“They put in a stent straight away, within 20 minutes of arriving at emergency,” said Drex. “They said we got to do it now.”

Doctors will later tell him one of his arteries was completely blocked, while another was at 80 per cent. Three other arteries were also clogged, but less severely and didn’t require the small mesh tubes to hold them open.

On Monday, Drex had a second stent for the artery that was 80 per cent blocked.

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“Drex shared his health scare on Twitter, where he received tons of comments from the anti-vaxxers,” The Gateway Pundit noted.

It can be recalled, Brex launched an attack against the anti-vaxxers last year, labeling them “morons” and demanding them to shut up.

“To the folks saying getting vaccinated is a “deeply personal decision” it’s time to shut the f*ck up and sit the f*ck down. It’s a matter of public health. The media and governments aren’t lying to you. You’re just a f*cking moron who doesn’t know sh*t from clay. STFU already,” Brex wrote on his Twitter.

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Drex is a staunch believer in Covid vaccine. He celebrated and praised the British Columbia government after they introduced the Covid-19 vaccine passport to its constituents.

He was gloating about people getting fired for refusing to take part in a medical experiment.

“How great is that! BC will have a vaccine passport! I love it. Prove your vaccinated and you can do stuff! Also workplace requirements to get vaxxed in many places. If you thinks it’s a terrible idea you know how to un-follow me,” he added.


Drex warned the anti-vaxxers that if they don’t get the Covid shots, they could end up in the intensive care unit (ICU) or even die. And yet, look at where he is now.

“Get the Vaccine available to you! don’t be a numpty, you might end up in an ICU…or DEAD.”

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Drex continues to insist that his diagnosis is unrelated to the Covid vaccine, despite the evidence to the contrary.

“Imagine almost exiting from a heart attack only to have anti-vaxxers come for you… blaming vaccines. Seriously go and get f*cked,” he wrote.

Drex reported that a number of the comments he received were “quite demoralizing,” and as a result, he has now locked out his Twitter account.

*Images from The Gateway Pundit*


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