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READER INPUT: The Failure of Montana’s “Born Alive” Bill Explained…


Yesterday we brought you the very troubling story of Montana’s “Born Alive” bill failing at the ballot box.

In case you missed it, I’ll copy it below but essentially the story was that voters were given an option on their ballot to vote “Yes” to a new law that would say any baby born alive had to be given medical care.

In other words, Democrats always say a baby isn’t a baby until it’s born…

And we have always said Democrats would love to kill babies even after birth.

People used to say we were being hysterical and hyperbolic…

They used to say those arguments were inflammatory…

Well, they’re not saying that anymore, because that issue was literally on the ballot and the voters of Montana voted to let babies who were born alive DIE.

Sorry, that’s the cold, blunt, hard truth.

That is true.

That’s what happened.

But it’s not the FULL story.

As Paul Harvey would say….and now, here’s the REST of the story….

We have such an amazing community of people here at WeLoveTrump.

We average between 4-6 million readers each month (and growing!).

And with that large of a community comes some wonderful feedback.

Which is what I want to share with you today.

I received several emails from people who live in Montana who sent me messages explaining what really happened.

These are your “boots on the ground” reporters!

I’ve removed all names and sensitive information, but I want to share these with you now.

Let’s start here:

Next up we go here:

And then here:

Thank you so much to everyone who took time to write me!

Your input and firsthand reporting from the ground is so helpful!

Montana is a red state, full of wonderful patriotic Americans which is what made this so confusing and troubling.

Now we seem to know more of what was happening, and of course its DS shady behavior.

Here is Montana Public Radio (not a conservative source) explaining more about the vote and explaining how the other side mobilized to get this struck down:

A controversial referendum on the November ballot with roots in the pro-life movement could have implications that extend beyond abortion rights.

LR-131, a referendum for the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, would require doctors provide resuscitative care to infants born at any stage of development, or face penalties.

Proponents of the act say it’s morally necessary to protect innocent life.

Opponents say it gives the state too much power to decide what’s medically reasonable, which could end up harming families suffering pregnancy complications.

The Born Alive Infant Protection Act would require medical providers give life-saving care to infants born at any stage of development: born as a result of “natural or induced labor, cesarean section, induced abortion, or another method,” the legislation reads.

If the referendum LR-131 passes, medical professionals who “fail to take medically appropriate and reasonable actions” could face up to $50,000 in fines and 20 years in prison.

Montana law currently protects against infanticide. Individuals can face penalties if, the law states, “the person purposely, knowingly, or negligently causes the death of a premature infant born alive, if the infant is viable.”

In 2002 a federal law granted infants born alive the same rights as persons, but did not mandate care or include penalties. 18 states have passed laws similar to what’s on the ballot in Montana requiring physicians provide care or face criminal penalties.

Republican state Rep. Matt Regier from Kalispell introduced Montana’s born alive bill, which passed along party lines during the 2021 legislative session. Legislators then voted to put it on the November ballot as a statewide referendum.

Regier says the intent is to protect innocent life.

“It’s a simple bill of are we going to protect infants that are born alive for any reason, not just a botched abortion, but any infant that’s born alive,” he said. “Do they deserve that same medical services that you and I are afforded, what’s medically appropriate and reasonable?”

What Regier calls “botched abortions” are rare: According to analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation, one percent of abortions in the US occur after 21 weeks around the time of viability.

CDC data of infant deaths over a 12-year period show that of 143 live births following an induced abortion, most cases involved fetal anomalies or maternal complications. And nearly all — 96% — survived less than a day.

Dr. Tim Mitchell is an OB-GYN in Missoula who guides women through high risk pregnancies. He says the premise of LR-131 is not based in reality of how health care is provided. He says who the bill will really impact is families suffering pregnancy complications.

“The clinical situations where we are dealing with an infant born alive is in the setting of a rapid, pre-viable preterm birth or in the setting of these lethal fetal anomalies where we know interventions are not going to have a change in the outcome,” he said.

Last month Mitchell spoke at an event at the Capitol organized by the opposition group Compassion for Montana Families. He said if the referendum passes, physicians will be forced to make decisions out of fear of prison time and fines rather than following the families wishes for how they want to spend final moments with their infant.

“LR-131 will force physicians to attempt to place a breathing tube in a baby whose lungs have not yet developed or is so small that the tube cannot fit,” he said.

Speaking at the same event, Lea Bossler shared the story of her daughter, Maesyn, who was born at 25 weeks with fetal inflammatory response syndrome.

“Marcus and I were given the choice to take Maesyn outside for her final moments. Being ex-wildland firefighters and Montanans, we had no hesitation in taking that opportunity,” she said.

What do you think?

How would you have voted?

Here was the original full report from yesterday:

Montana Voters Strike Down Law To Protect Babies AFTER Live Birth!

One of the most shocking votes on election day came out of Montana.

A Republican-backed referendum gave voters the ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ option to ensure medical care for babies delivered alive at any point in pregnancy, including those delivered after botched abortions.

Montana voters were given the option to affirm or deny Legislative Referendum 131 being signed into law.

The Associated Press called the vote Thursday afternoon.

And the results baffled conservatives across the nation.

“With 95% of the vote in, 52.4% of Montana resident voted ‘No’ on the referendum, as opposed to 47.6% who voted ‘Yes,'” Fox News reports.

“If residents had voted ‘Yes,’ the referendum would have enacted a law guaranteeing any infant born alive at any stage of pregnancy protections as a ‘legal person’ and would impose criminal penalties on any health care worker that doesn’t provide adequate medical care to these babies.”

Pro-life Twitter users expressed their outrage that Montana residents voted to deny the referendum:

Fox News added:

Defense attorney and conservative commentator Marina Medvin tweeted, “Police are required to give medical care to homicidal maniacs who shoot at them. Society demands that convicted serial killers be given medical care and food in prison. But Montana says that innocent babies should not be given milk or medical care. This doesn’t compute.”

Pro-life user “Eudaimonia” tweeted, “Colorado moved to legalize shrooms and Montana says that babies born prematurely aren’t legal persons but tell me more about the slippery slope ‘fallacy.’”

The March for Life Twitter account lamented the vote, tweeting, “Abortion has wounded our nation so deeply that we are refusing to ensure proper medical care for newborn infants.”

Actor and conservative James Woods wrote, “For a state to vote against compassionate care for an infant born alive is unimaginable, expected MAYBE from the usual moral hellholes like NY and CA, of course, but Montana?!  The Left’s war on the unborn is legendary, grooming now sadly part of their jihad, but outright murder?”

Conservative journalist Ian Miles Cheong put it bluntly, tweeting, “It’s now legal to kill babies in Montana. America is so f—–.”

Pro-life activist Abby Johnson was disturbed by the results of the vote, tweeting, “I’m horrified that even ONE person would vote in Montana to deny babies healthcare after they’ve already been born. They’re basically saying they want the babies left out to die. We need Jesus to save our nation. Desperately.”

Daily Wire senior editor Cabot Phillips remarked, “Montana has voted to let babies die on operating tables if they survive an abortion attempt. We deserve the judgment we will face for our wickedness.”


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