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Katy Perry: Clone Malfunction? Wonk Eye? Vaxx Injury?


I don’t even know what is going on here…

This is one of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen — and that’s a high bar, isn’t it?

We sure have seen some weird stuff in the last two years.

But this goes right to the top of the list.

Good old Katy Perry.

Never mind the outfit and what appear to be crushed Pepsi and Mountain Dew cans on her….cans.

Surprisingly, that’s not the weird part.

Nope, the weird part is when she suddenly froze and then her right eye glitched and then just closed shut.

She tries to tap it open and it opens for a second (almost as if she pushed the “open button” on the side) but then it closes again.

Super creepy!

Watch for yourself — this guy calls it a “Clone Malfunction” and I can’t say he’s wrong:

We would never make light of someone being sick, but when it’s a self-induced jab that you tried to force on millions of people with threat of losing their jobs?

Well, then that’s an exception and this is a hilarious post:

Even funnier was this reply:

Seems to be happening a lot recently, don’t you think?

Of course we also had the Biebs:

And that Canadian actress?

We’re just so thankful they were all vaxxed…imagine how much worse it could have been if not jabbed?

Here’s a backup of the video on Tik-Tok:

Others are saying this isn’t the first time this has happened to her “clone”:

Perry herself has called this her “wonk eye” as early as 2021.

Read this from Newsweek:

Katy Perry comforted a crying American Idol contestant on Sunday by discussing what she calls her “wonk eye.”

While fans of the “Teenage Dream” singer may be familiar with the phrase, some American Idol viewers were left scratching their heads after the revelation.

It began when 16-year-old contestant Caleb Kennedy from South Carolina told his mentor Bobby Bones that he wore large hats to distract from his lazy eye, which he has had since birth.

Perry, 36, went to acknowledge some of her own insecurities to comfort the young contestant, who impressed with his rendition of Willie Nelson’s “On The Road Again.”

“I have a wonk eye as well, and I used to be worried about it,” she shared. “Then a bunch of my fans created a fandom over my wonk-eye. I even have a fandom that calls itself, ‘Katy’s wonk-eye.'”

She added: “It’s my right eye. So just celebrate all that stuff. Don’t worry about it.”

Others are saying it’s Bells Palsy:

The irony is not lost on me that Katy Perry is deep into Egyptian “god” worship…and has actively promoted the demonic “Eye of Horus” many times.

See here:

And here:

Perhaps God finally had enough of the mockery and decided to give her an eye injury?

Poetic justice?

Pure speculation of course.

But I do know the Bible says God will not be mocked.

Remind anyone else of this?

Canadian Actress Suffers Vaccine Injury, Says She Would Do it Again (WATCH)

Canadian actress Jennifer Gibson, 45, revealed she developed Bell’s Palsy after taking her vaccine.

“This is not a video I want to make,” Gibson says.

“And it’s kinda hard to make.”

“I have been diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy, which is paralysis on one side of the face” she adds.

“So, I got it about two weeks after getting my vaccine. And I had a rough go with the vaccine.”

However, the shocking part is where Gibson says she would get the ‘vaccine’ again.

But I have to say that I would do it again because it’s what we have to do,” she says.

Watch via Rumble:

From The Lancet:

Despite the numerical imbalance of Bell’s palsy cases observed in trials of the two mRNA vaccines but not in those of other vaccine platforms, the relevant regulatory bodies, including the US Food and Drug Administration and the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency among others, have argued that the observed frequency in vaccinated individuals was no higher than the expected background rate. A closer look at these figures and analysis of crude real-world data from pharmacovigilance agencies estimated that Bell’s palsy occurred more often in the mRNA vaccine groups than would be expected in the general population.

During a live press conference last year, New South Wales Customer Service Minister Victor Dominello developed a “droopy eye.”

Some thought he was winking at the cameraman and others believed he suffered a stroke.

But Dominello revealed after the press conference that he was diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy.

Vaccinated Australian Minister Develops Bell’s Palsy on Live Televised COVID-19 Press Conference

Maybe it all has something to do with this?

Adrenachrome "Black Eye Club" Finally Exposed In Detail...

I've written about the Black Eye Club several times before.

Most recently, when John Roberts was inducted.

First a little background if you're not familiar, and then scroll down for the most recent video I found giving more information than I have ever seen.

What is it they say....

Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is......?

And how about a dozen or two dozen?

No, I'm not talking about the Clinton Kill List.

I'm talking about the "Black Eye Club".

Many of you have probably heard of this, but in case you haven't get ready for your mind to be blown.

How many adults have you known in your life that have ever suffered a black eye?

A really bad one....a huge black and blue shiner?


None, personally.

I have never rolled into work and saw Hank in the office next door suddenly have a huge black eye on Wednesday morning.

But for powerful political people and celebrities?

It happens all the time!

Strange, don't you think?

Just take a quick look, and I think you'll be shocked:

Why is it always the LEFT eye?

And the same exact spot?

Last year, I brought you the newest inductee....

U.S. Supreme Court CHIEF Justice, John Roberts.

Just a HUGE coincidence, I'm sure:

And today?

In March of 2021?

I bring you the newest member.....none other than Mittens Romney!

The Hell you say!

Take a look:

Are these people just the most clumsy, uncoordinated people in the whole world?

Or something more going on?

From the NY Post, here is the "official" story:

Sen. Mitt Romney was knocked unconscious when he fell in Boston over the weekend, leaving him with “a lot of stitches” and a black eye.

“I took a fall. Knocked me unconscious. But I’m doing better,” Romney told reporters on Capitol Hill Monday night.

The Utah Republican said he was visiting his grandchildren when he got injured.

With noticeable bruising under his right eye, Romney infused some humor into the situation.

“I went to CPAC, that was a problem,” the Republican lawmaker joked, referring to the Conservative Political Action Conference that ended Sunday.

Romney was not invited to the marquee event after receiving backlash over his vote to impeach ex-President Donald Trump.

Asked how many stitches he received, Romney claimed he was not sure.

“A lot of stitches. I don’t know how many. I asked the doctor how many stitches and she said, ‘I don’t know,’ but it’s all through my eyebrow and my lip.”

Now I told you I wasn't going to draw any conclusions...and I'm not.

I don't know what is going on, I really don't.

But I DO know when something is not right, and I will say that....this is not right.

And this is not a coincidence.

Even The Sun has even noticed the trend and had this to say (sure, it's all just "NUTTY"):

NUTTY conspiracy theorists have claimed celebrities with black left eyes are marking themselves out as members of the ILLUMINATI.

Actors, musicians, politicians, and even the Pope have all been snapped with shiners recently – sparking claims they are members of a secret society.

Conspiracy theorists claim Illuminati recruits are forced to ‘eat pain’ during high-level initiation rituals.

They claim bruised left eyes – known as ‘Illuminati shiners’ are marks given to those who have scaled their way to the top of the sinister organisation.

Radio host Sherry Shriner – who wrote ‘Interview With The Devil’ – said: “You cannot be on TV now, without signing on the dotted line.

“The bizarre recurrence of facial bruises on Illuminati politicians and entertainers has resulted in speculation that their souls have been replaced in a satanic ritual called ‘soul scalping'”.

Shriner, who died last year, claimed all of the world’s leaders have been soul-scalped.

She also claimed to have been able to speak to the devil.

Among the celebs to have sported black eyes over the years are Adam Sandler, Prince Philip, George W Bush, and Liz Hurley.

Prince Andrew showed off one in 2017, while Prince Phillip reportedly “woke up” with one one morning in 2013.

Gossip columnist Perez Hilton claimed a black eye was given to him by Polo Molina – the manager of the Black-Eyed Peas.

Pope Francis had a bad eye cut last year, which he attributed to an accident in the ‘Pope-mobile’.

And George W Bush claimed he had been hit in the face by a microphone stand during a speech.

And I have to end with this.

Because this is the perfect ending....



And THAT is why they hate him.

He's not in their "club".

They don't control him.


Now, here's the latest!

I just found this video and it does the best job I've seen from any source of showing exactly how many "famous" people are in the club.

It will shock you.

And horrify you.

It's not in English, but that doesn't matter, just watch the names and faces:

Watch safely here on Rumble:

And one more.

How the Illuminati Black Eye Club, the abduction of Children for sacrificial uses and the use of Adrenochrome for nefarious purposes by the rich elite/Illuminati Satanic Order.

Watch here on Rumble:


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