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“Deep Fake” EXPOSED: Can You Tell Which Obama Is Real?


We’ve heard a lot about a “Fake Biden”.

Maybe an actor…

Maybe a body double…

Maybe who knows what!

We’ve also talked about fake White Houses, fake TV sets, etc.

When I first published articles about Biden possibly in a fake White House, so many people said it was CONSPIRACY THEORY and I should no longer be allowed to publish anything because I had lost all credibility.

Except….we were proven right last week.

In case you haven’t seen it, it’s no longer “Fake Conspiracy” or even “Conspiracy Theory”.


It’s now Fact.

Not a “rumor”….a “TRUEmor”.

If you missed it, read about Joe Biden’s Fake White House Set here (and see the photos and videos).

Even Fox News and some left-leaning channels have covered it.

But with that as background, I actually want to talk about Fake Obama, not Fake Biden in this article.

And I’m not talking about body doubles or actors.

I’m talking about “deep fakes”.

Have you heard of them?

If not, watch this and see if you can correctly identify the “real” Obama….

Watch here on Rumble:

If you haven’t watched the video, stop here and don’t read anymore.

Ok, SPOILERS coming….

For everyone who watched the video you learned that NONE of them are real.

All are computer fakes.

Scary right?

And this video is over a year old.

My point?

If they could do this a year ago, how many things in the Biden Residency do you think are being faked?

And another bigger point: it used to be said that you could “photoshop” a photo but not a video.

Now you can do both.

Why is that important?

Read this article below to realize what’s coming next.

Ok folks, buckle up because this one is about to get wild!

If you’ve been following the Jeffrey Epstein story, you know the rumors say he had EVERYTHING on video tape.

Very powerful people all caught on video tape in, shall we say, compromising situations?

Situations maybe with very young children perhaps?


Movie stars.

Supreme Court justices?  (looking at you JR)

That’s all speculation.

And Epstein is dead (allegedly), but his handler Ghislaine Maxwell is not.

So that will play out on its own.

But let’s just assume for a moment that these videos DO come out.

What happens next?

It’s game over, right?

Caught on tape!

Photos and video don’t lie!


Or do they?

SIGN THE PETITION: Release The Epstein Client List!

Have you heard about “Deep Fakes” recently?

Confused about what they are?

I believe the Deep Fake is the Deep State’s answer to all these videos when they start being exposed.

So what is a Deep Fake?

Well, watch this:



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